Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I'm coming home tomorrow though, so everything is fine :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

{Operation Go-on-Campus}

Remember when I had a crazy roommate who ate toilet paper? We went through a roll of toilet paper in a day and a half on average, just the two of us. Well this semester my roommates and I re-instituted Operation Go on Campus. Folks, this really works. We bought a big thing of tp (30 rolls) at Sam's Club on Saturday, August 27. Today is Saturday, December 10 and we still have 8 rolls to use before we've gone through the whole thing. 22 rolls in 16 weeks. Holla!

Monday, November 14, 2011



Monday, November 7, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

{Snow Day}

It's a snowy, stay-in-your-house-in-your-bed-with-your-electric-blanket-cranked-up kind of day. I'm hibernating and doing homework, but since it is practically Christmas out there here's a video to get you in the mood. And it's the Biebs. Can't get much better than that.

[PS- How cute is his deep voice?!]

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


it's been a while since I blessed you with a funny youtube video. You're welcome.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Today was game day. I love BYU football, and the weather was supposed to be perfect. Don't ask me how it felt so freaking hot even though it was only 65*. We all got super attractive sunburns, mine definitely being the most obvious. Lovely, isn't it? BYU football is always worth it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

{Corn maze}

So my birthday was on Tuesday and Hannah's birthday was on Saturday. We had a joint birthday party at Cornbelly's corn maze at Thanksgiving Point. They have this thing right now called "Insanity Point." It's basically all the haunted stuff. It was pretty freaky, and I loved every minute of it.

[Laura, Kate, Hannah, me and Brett. The rest of our group was elsewhere]
[The girls]
[The Birthday Girls :)]


I turned 21 this last week. Yep, I'm legal. It was a great day, full of lots of Facebook messages, texts, class, work, and homework. The next morning I had clinical at 5am so it was an early night for me, hence the jammie jams. My great roommates remembered from long ago that Marie Calendar's Chocolate Satin pie is my fave and what I got every year on my birthday at home, and they surprised me with one. It tasted like my birthday :)


My roommates and I went to the General Relief Society Broadcast a few weeks back. It was a great meeting. Being able to go to that and General Conference the next week is one of the great things about going to BYU. Anywho... here are some cute pictures.

[Kate, me, Hannah, Holly, Laura]
[I have a wispy mustache.]

Monday, October 17, 2011


Football games are my faves. Except for one (and I still don't want to talk about that one...) the home games have been great. I lose my voice for a couple hours from screaming so much, but it's always worth it. Also, it's getting colder. You can tell by the progression of the pictures. Short-sleeve shirt... hoodie... coat and scarf. Bummer.

[Hannah, me, Kate]
[Morgan and Taylor (Kate's friends from home), Kate, me, Holly, Hannah]
[Holly, Kate, me]

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

{A tale of earthquakes, glass, and babies}

This morning at the buttcrack of dawn (actually, it was still completely dark out. It was pre-buttcrack) my roommates and I volunteered at the "Shake Out, Take Out" emergency drill at the local hospital. Here's the scenario: at 2am this morning there was an earthquake in Utah County. Mount Timp hospital collapsed two hours later and everyone from that hospital had to be moved to one that wasn't as effected. All the hospitals also had to take in people who were hurt in the disaster. Tiffany was an 18 year old male from UVU with a compound fracture in her leg. Laura was a 32 year old man who had a bump on his head and a laceration on his forearm and was worried about his missing wife. I was a 34 year old woman, was in a car accident and had glass in my arm and a bruised face. I was also 28 weeks pregnant and was in active labor. Basically the only reason we did it was to get moulaged. Loved it.

Tiff's compound fracture.

Laura's bump on the head and forearm laceration.

In the hospital parking lot. Strangely enough, all the fields around the hospital were busy with soccer and ultimate frisbee. We got some strange looks as we were helping Tiffany hobble to the emergency room.

Luckily, I'm white enough that it really blended in and looked pretty legit.

Pretty wicked bruise!

So as it turns out, the nurses in Labor and Delivery stopped my labor, but I'm still being monitored. The doctors in the ER got the glass out, did an x-ray to make sure there wasn't any glass left in me, and cauterized my artery and sewed up my arm. They couldn't do much about my head (no CT scan because I was pregnant) so it's still being monitored too. Tiffany is still in emergency surgery, and Laura found her wife. Life is good!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

{You asked, I delivered}

You all have been begging me to blog for three weeks now. You might be getting more than you bargained for. Below is a rather huge picture of my foot. I made it that huge so you can better see my GIGANTIC blister. I doesn't hurt, but it is super uncomfortable. Apparently this happens every year. Remember this post? The thing about this blister is that it came after wearing sandals that I have worn everyday for the last 4 months. What the what?

{Camping Fools}

Once upon a time, we went camping. It was just over night up Provo Canyon, but it sure was a fun trip. We played lots of scum (as seen below), roasted hot dogs for dinner and marshmallows for dessert (new favorite s'more- keebler fudge stripes instead of the graham cracker and chocolate. mmmm), roasted starbursts so they are soft and warm, and basically ate everything bad for you. These three pictures were the only pictures of the whole trip...

Kate and me

Holly's sister and Holly

Hannah (she was poop scum, hence the sad face)

Sleeping was kind of a different story. First of all, we were quite literally right next to the highway, so we heard giant semis rumble by all night long. It was freezing cold. Six of us were squished into a tiny tent. Kate, Hannah and I couldn't extend our legs all the way. (Holly could. She's short.) Hannah accidentally slept with her feet outside of the tent most of the night. I was sleeping on a rock or stump us something. Needless to say, no one got much sleep, and it was a really long night. Anywho, just be impressed that we went. haha

Thursday, August 18, 2011

{Happy Birthday Mama!}

Happy Birthday to the world's best mama! Hope you're having a great time in Washington, but we miss you down here. LOVE YOU!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I have been wanting... nay, craving... Eegee's for months. The strawberry eegee's, the kid's turkey sandwich, the ranch fries... mmmmmm. After being home for over two weeks, it finally happened today and it did not disappoint. One thing did disappoint actually... the kid's spelling capabilities. Poor thing probably never graduated High School. It was good for a laugh though :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I share a bathroom with one person. One. And she uses more toilet paper than anyone else in the world. Not joking. Case in point...

The roll on the top is a new roll, the roll on the bottom was put on at 6pm Monday night. I took this picture at 10pm Tuesday night. I got to thinking, maybe it was just a bad day, maybe she had some IBS or something.

This picture was taken tonight at 7pm. What the what?!

Hannah and I have been brainstorming things said roommate could be doing with the toilet paper. The list includes stuffing her bra (that one is pretty far fetched. If you knew her, you would understand), making toilet paper dolls and keeping her collection in her room (we are never allowed to even look in her room), and the latest guess- eating toilet paper (Hannah watched a show on TLC on weird, compulsive disorders and apparently this kind of thing happens quite often).

I officially have 17 days left living with my crazy, toilet-paper eating, food-stealing, pots-and-pans-hiding roommate. Wish me luck.

Monday, May 30, 2011

{To appease the mom}

Mom has been on my case. She said if I don't blog by 6pm tonight she would... well actually she didn't say what she would do. Just another empty threat, I guess. Anyway, I have nothing to blog. You all get mad when I don't blog pictures, but I haven't taken a picture in a while. So I will leave you with this... while you are all complaining how it's "just 80* and a bit to chilly to go swimming," keep in mind it is 49* and raining here. Cool.

But I do have a new Youtube video for you. How neat is that? That's pretty neat.

Monday, May 23, 2011

{The perfect part-time job}

I've been perusing Craigslist looking for a part-time job in Tucson this summer. I think I finally found a winner. I can earn thousands while helping people. It's a win-win! [Except that there would be a little baby Kelsey running around somewhere. Awkward]

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The desk is a replica of Uday Hussein's desk. I saw a picture in Newsweek.

That was my favorite line from The Office last week! Anywho...
Welcome to my new office! I moved from the Richards Building to the Tanner Building closer to Paula :) Don't get too excited though... it's just a "temporary" solution.

Normally it has a really pretty view of Mt. Timpanogos, but it hasn't really stopped raining for the last 4 days. It also hasn't gotten above 50 degrees. It's not like it's spring or anything...

And I get to look out over my favorite dorm. Tender.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I Have a Crush

I admit it. I have Bieber Fever. Some people (Kendle mostly...) are trying to make me feel embarrassed about it. Well, it's not going to work. If I was embarrassed about it would I have gone to see Never Say Never two nights in a row at the dollar theater. Nope.How can you not love him? He's just so cute!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Momma's the BEST

"Look to your mother. Learn from her strengths, her courage, and her faithfulness. Listen to her. She may not be a whiz at texting; she may not even have a Facebook page. But when it comes to matters of the heart and the things of the Lord, she has a wealth of knowledge. As you approach the time for marriage and young motherhood, she will be your greatest source of wisdom. No other person on earth loves you in the same way or is willing to sacrifice as much to encourage you and help you find happiness—in this life and forever."
-Elder M. Russel Ballard, Mothers and Daughters

Momma, I love you! You're the best mother in the world! You are funny, kind, caring, helpful, beautiful, faithful, clever, intelligent, strong, dependable, and so much more. Happy Mother's Day!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Best Of

I know you have all been waiting for this. I feel ya. I've been waiting all semester. I might have only blogged the Police Beat once... if that. But fear not, the Daily Universe just published the Best Of Winter Semester and they are pretty great. I'm posting them all so you can get the full effect. Enjoy :) [I particularly enjoy Suspicious Activity: January 17th and March 2nd, Disorderly Conduct: March 4th, Property Damage: January 14th, and Traffic Violation: January 19th. Oh heck, I like them all!]

March 10: A student reported his car stolen after he could not find it in the BYU parking terrace. The car was later located in the terrace, one level lower than the owner remembered parking.

Suspicious Activity
Jan. 17: A student reported a male with orange hair and an orange beard looking suspicious in the Smith Fieldhouse. The student told police he had overheard the man telling a woman that he liked babies. When officers arrived, no one saw a man with orange hair or an orange beard.

Jan. 20: Officers received reports of students climbing trees in front of the McKay Building. When officers responded, the students told police they had not been climbing the trees, but had just been looking up in them for a geocache. The geocache was located while police were present.

Jan. 29: After the Widtsoe Building was locked, someone saw people in the building and called police. Upon arrival, the officers discovered it was students who had been playing hide and seek before the building had closed. The students were told to leave the building.

March 2: Officers received a report of a van with fogged windows and seats removed from the vehicle. The caller suspected lewd acts were being committed in the van. Upon arrival, the officers discovered 10 fully-clothed individuals watching a movie.

March 24: The police received a report of someone sitting naked on the cougar statue outside the football stadium. The subject was gone upon police arrival.

Disorderly Conduct
Jan. 24: A One-stop cashier called police when a male student began pounding on the office window after it had already closed.  The cashier reported that it was not a gentle knock, and so she locked the window. Police arrived and calmed the student, who was upset and crying because he had been removed from all of his classes even though his tuition was paid.

March 4: Microwaves from Helaman Halls were moved into the hall lounge, where someone destroyed them by running food in them for a considerable amount of time. When officers responded they found the ruined microwaves along with charred remains of a burrito.

Property Damage
Jan. 14: A woman was driving near the Crabtree building when she stopped at a light. A male using the crosswalk tapped her car with his hand and told her that she should not drive while talking on the phone. The driver saw this same man later and told him not to touch her vehicle. In response, he rubbed his hands on the front of her car.

Traffic Violation
Jan. 19: A man returned to his parked car and found another car parked with its bumper touching his. The man did not know what to do, so he called the police. Officers asked the man to move his car backward. No damage was done.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Big One

It's a big post, a big day, and a big birthday. My little brother turns 17 today! 17! Wow. To celebrate his birthday when we are in different states, I'm dedicating this post all to him! Happy birthday, Bud! Love you tons!

[Remember that one time we whipped each other with licorice and gave each other welts?]

Happy Birthday Austin!!