Saturday, September 10, 2011

{A tale of earthquakes, glass, and babies}

This morning at the buttcrack of dawn (actually, it was still completely dark out. It was pre-buttcrack) my roommates and I volunteered at the "Shake Out, Take Out" emergency drill at the local hospital. Here's the scenario: at 2am this morning there was an earthquake in Utah County. Mount Timp hospital collapsed two hours later and everyone from that hospital had to be moved to one that wasn't as effected. All the hospitals also had to take in people who were hurt in the disaster. Tiffany was an 18 year old male from UVU with a compound fracture in her leg. Laura was a 32 year old man who had a bump on his head and a laceration on his forearm and was worried about his missing wife. I was a 34 year old woman, was in a car accident and had glass in my arm and a bruised face. I was also 28 weeks pregnant and was in active labor. Basically the only reason we did it was to get moulaged. Loved it.

Tiff's compound fracture.

Laura's bump on the head and forearm laceration.

In the hospital parking lot. Strangely enough, all the fields around the hospital were busy with soccer and ultimate frisbee. We got some strange looks as we were helping Tiffany hobble to the emergency room.

Luckily, I'm white enough that it really blended in and looked pretty legit.

Pretty wicked bruise!

So as it turns out, the nurses in Labor and Delivery stopped my labor, but I'm still being monitored. The doctors in the ER got the glass out, did an x-ray to make sure there wasn't any glass left in me, and cauterized my artery and sewed up my arm. They couldn't do much about my head (no CT scan because I was pregnant) so it's still being monitored too. Tiffany is still in emergency surgery, and Laura found her wife. Life is good!


kendle sue said...

oh mylanta!! how freaking fun is that?! i am so glad you and tiff & laura decided to do this! this was seriously the best post ever! hahahaha.... :) :) i read it outloud to mom & dad and they were just laughing and laughing! kudos to you! :)

Austin said...

You're such a dork. But i love you cause it does look legit. Ha ha!

Adrian said...

Pretty darn awesome!! I kind of freaked out at first when I saw the pictures...then read it...and realized it was fake! AWESOME!

The Varga Family said...

I so miss this about nursing school. It's just not the same when you have to be on the other side of a drill. I will admit i've never seen a drill so involved, we've never dressed up with fake wounds! I'm so very jealous. Hope it was worth the pre-buttcrack awake time :) lol