Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Commercial Winner

Ever since I got home and I'm not in school, I have been on the hunt for the best Christmas commercial. I found it, and it's by good ol' Target. (I don't just sit around and watch TV all day or anything...)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh hey,

I'll be home in 20 hours. :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

3 down, 3 to go

Finals week is here. I'm sick. I'm tired. I'm grouchy. But at least I'm half way done now, right? (I just took my Pearl of Great Price final sitting in bed, in jammies. Life's not so bad I guess.)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's pretty

I'm learning to like the snow more, so I decided to go exploring and take pictures. I got about ten feet out the door and realized it was wa-hay too dang cold for that so all these pictures are right outside my apartment. Maybe next time...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Hate Onions

But i love what we're having for dinner tonight. It's a trade-off.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Now I Can

I used to think I was lame because I could never see the hidden pictures in "Magic Eye" books. Well now I can. Can you get them all right?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I'm Going to be a Nurse

I found out yesterday that I GOT INTO THE BYU NURSING PROGRAM!! I start next semester, so in three years from December, I will be a nurse!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fulfilling my Civic Duties

 I love voting. I think it is such an important opportunity that so many people take for granted. Get out there and vote, people!
Those who stay away from the election think that one vote will do no good: 'Tis but one step more to think one vote will do no harm. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, October 22, 2010

As Promised

We got a new faucet today! You can turn it on the highest pressure and it won't even spray your shirt :)

(Please excuse the dirty dishes...)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hello world, I'm Crafty

Oh hey, I'm crafty now. These pictures can speak for themselves :)

Also, I made pumpkin sugar cookies. They were cute AND delicious :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Welcome to my Home

I have been living in Provo for 57 days now so I figured it was time to actually show you where I live.

I live in apartment #14.

This is our living room. We're still working on decorations. Although, at this point, I'm not sure it will ever happen.

This lovely little partition is a coat closet in the front and the pantry in the back. (And yes, two of my roommates are from Texas. Also, sorry about my stupid collage. I couldn't make it look any better than this.)

This is the kitchen. We have all the necessities except a garburator, a.k.a garbage disposal. We're getting a new faucet any day because ours in old and yucky and sprays your shirt every time you turn it on. I have also heard rumor that we're getting another fridge... :)


This is the part of the pantry. The shelf that has Western Family fruit loops is mine :)

Then you walk past the chastity line (where no boys are allowed) and on the left you see my bathroom and my Elvis :) Oh, and that's my bedroom door on the very right.

On the right is the vanity and the other bathroom at the end of the hall. Right here on the very right is my bathroom storage (see next picture).

The top two shelves are mine. I got the best ones :)

This is my room. My bed on the left, Tiff's on the right. It looks very similar to last year. I enjoy it.

This is my half of the room with my bed and desk. All pretty normal.

This the the closet. It's awfully tight. It doesn't look that tight but that's just because I hadn't done laundry in quite a while.

I took these pictures on the day we had cleaning checks. Nice, right? Well, now you know where I live. What do y'all think?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I really am going to blog something substantial, you know, something that's actually going on in my life, but I have one more test tonight. Until that is over, I will leave you with some police beats :)

Oct. 5: A person has been seen in the Widstoe lab leaving suspicious notes on green tape on the lab counter. The notes have said things like "super nice," "nice," and "good job." The man has entered the lab and left these suspicious notes several nights in a row. Officers suspect he might be the boyfriend of one of the lab workers.

Oct. 7: In lot 48, a black Toyota was parked against a hill and the windows were fogged up. When the officer approached, he discovered a male and female in the car. After running the plates on the car, the officer noticed the owner of the car is banned from UVU's campus for a sex offense. The officer warned the young woman that her companion was dangerous. The woman assured him that she was fine and the officer left.

Oct. 7: The southwest gate on West Campus Drive was damaged when a car drove through it.

Oct. 5: Two male students were arguing over dating. One was having a difficult time getting dates and was telling the other student about it. The second student joked that he didn't have a difficult time getting dates and he could date the other student's mother. The first student took offense and slammed the second student against a wall and brandished a knife. Upon arrival, the police arrested the first student for aggravated assault. However, the second student decided to not press charges, so the first student was released.

This weeks were really good. I laughed out loud, to myself, for quite a while. :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

to all of you arizonans...

i know it's unseasonably warm down there (105* i hear...). it's 57* here right now. suckas.

Friday, October 1, 2010

i hope you're all not sick of these...

because I'm not. I'm happy when i wake up on Wednesdays because i know it's Police Beat day. Enjoy.

Sept. 17: Custodial staff reported a spill of about 15 gallons of water mixed with a white powdery substance in a pool filter room in the Richards Building. The powder was sodium hypochlorite, a chemical used in pool filtration systems. After testing several puddles of the spill, one was found to have a pH level of 5 and was producing a small amount of chlorine gas. The gas was only slightly toxic and no injuries resulted.

Sept. 7: Campus Police received a call at 7 a.m. saying a bat was flying around in the Wilkinson Center. An officer was dispatched, who then opened a door, and the bat flew out.

Sept. 8: Worried students at Helaman Halls phoned police after they smelled burning rubber.  When they arrived at the scene, the officers discovered that it was auxiliary services using a grinder.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

things i learned last night...

1. cadavers are scary.
2. it freaks me out when i can see their eyelashes. 
3. they stink.
4. there is so much more going on in the body than i ever imagined.
5. cadavers are fascinating.

Friday, September 17, 2010

the devil's shoes

anybody remember this post from kendle's blog? well, apparently it happens to everyone eventually. somehow i ended up with kendle's really cute keds in my shoe bin. i decided last thursday that i might as well wear them if i have them. WORST DECISION I EVER MADE.

i started walking to school and when i was approximately 10 feet from my apartment, i knew it was going to be a bad day. i went from class to work and as i was walking back to class, i called kendle. the conversation went something like this...

kels: "hey, i accidentally ended up with a pair of your shoes."
ken: "dang. which ones?"
kels: "your tan keds."
ken: "oh. you can keep those. they hurt my feet."
kels: "oh really? cause i think my feet are bleeding." (they were)

that was over a week ago and i still limp in certain shoes. *sigh* a little pain for beauty's sake, eh?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

i am alive and well

believe it or not, i am alive up here at BYU. it's amazing how quickly time flies when you're working part-time and going to school full-time. and it doesn't help that i haven't had a computer to be able to blog about my experiences. anyway, i have some stories to share, but i also have about 30,000 pages of each textbook to read so for tonight i will just share the funniest video on youtube right now. enjoy.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

return to provo

mom and i drove up to utah on tuesday. jason and laurel very graciously let us crash in their basement after and incredibly long day of driving. (thanks a ton!) wednesday i moved into my apartment, got all my paperwork done for my job, did a bit a shopping (i.e. bought mockingjay. awesome.) then went to paula's house to stay for a few nights (thank you paula!) today we did more shopping, moved more stuff in, bought my books, etc. along with our many adventures, today was my first time parallel parking EVER. (please don't make fun. i was very proud.) i kept getting excited and said i parallel parked and mom would say "no, you just pulled up to the curb." well this time was for real. there are cars in the front and cars in the back. i'm impressed with myself even if i am much farther from the curb than most people. :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

a day of jobs

yesterday started out as any other- dad at work, kendle at work, austin at school, mom and i tanning in the pool. but there was so much more about yesterday that made it such a great day. first, dad started his new job yesterday! yay! he said he had a great day and thought every one was really nice. he's really excited to start working hard for this new bank. thanks dad for all you do for our family :)

second, kendle had an interview for a new job yesterday. [i'll let her tell y'all about it, but let's just say it went "okay" ;)]

and last, i went straight from the pool to pick up austin from school. we headed off to the storage unit to pick up stuff i'll be needing for school. well as we walk in the door, mom is on the phone talking to our great friend paula. turns out, she needs a new secretary-type-person starting asap for the rmyl department [if that sounds familiar, it's because this is the exact same job kendle had when she was at byu]. anyway, i'm super excited for this! thanks a ton paula :)

quite the eventful day, wouldn't you say?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

to my sisters

you two are my best friends! i love you both. happy birthdays :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010


first, i just have to say that i love old spice commercials. they make me giggle.

second, i love this new BYU library commercial. it makes me giggle more.

ps- this guy (stephen) is a humor u guy. freaking funny. i had a little run in with him at a CES devotional. i was sitting right behind his girlfriend and he kept trying to put his arm around her. has anyone sat in the marriot center for an extened period of time? if so, you'll know it isn't exactly roomy. needless to say, his arm was basically on my leg all night long. it was a bit uncomfortable. this commercial redeemed him for me :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

HGTV and my future

i got a job- happy, i know. i nanny a 6-month old little girl and i know what you're thinking... "a 6-month old? can she even roll over?" she can, but that is all. she's really happy rolling around on the ground or bouncing in her... bouncy thing. and eating. holy crap, if you could all see all she eats you would be amazed too. i stop counting the ounces of formula she drinks each day at 36. she's one cute little chunk. but i digress... i spend my days watching HGTV while she's napping (which is typically 5 out of the 8 hours I am there). needless to say, i know exactly how i want to decorate my house when i grow up. and something else is happening to me. each time i walk into bed, bath, & beyond, i want one of those fancy little guns that lets me run around the store recording everything i want. i guess i'm getting old.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

overwhelming craftiness

unlike kendle, i'm not used to having craftiness racing through my blood every day. mine comes in spurts (if it comes at all). this summer has been one of those spurts. mom, kendle and i started baby quilts very soon after i got home. it took a while, because my crafty tendencies come and go, but it's finally done! (mine is the only one done, i might add.)

also we've been having fun making hair bows/flowers. and they are awfully cute, huh? :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010


i have come to the conclusion that my first experience with sunburns so painful that you literally cannot sleep/walk/move at all was buried so far into my mind that i could never remember it. and yet the pain has resurfaced. i may have been tanning yesterday and i may have forgotten to put sunscreen on my legs. at first, there was lots of laughter at the expense of my poor legs but i think when people realized how much freaking pain i was in, it wasn't quite so funny.

pictures are not coming. i'll spare you all the nightmares. 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

a long absence

I haven't blogged in many moons and I figured it was just about time. We took a much-needed (for my parents) vacation. My life right now is pretty much a vacation. No exaggerations. Anyway, we took off Thursday of Memorial Day weekend for the cabin. It started out as a great trip. And then it struck. This nasty, death-inducing flu bug hit Nicole first, then Adrian, then some cousins, then Kendle and me, then more cousins and Dad to wrap it all up. I'm not even sure what it was but I sure I was dying by the end. We did get one picture of the vacation though…
Then this week Kendle and I volunteered at Cub Scout Camp doing the crafts with 300 eight to ten-year-old boys. I'll just say it was exhausting but tons of fun. (Pictures to come.) And today we chilled in the pool all day long. It was great and quite well documented, but I think Kendle has already laid claim to blogging most of those pictures, so I will give you one sneak peak.

(I promise, we do get in the pool. We don't just sit in the lagoon under the sunbrella all day...)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

its five o'clock in the morning

i don't know what is going on with me. kendle and i had a long day so we all went to bed fairly early. [and when i say fairly early, i mean midnightish.] so at like 3am i woke up because i had to pee. i hate peeing in the middle of the night. then i was having scary dreams [i don't remember them specifically. sorry.] now my legs are going crazy and i can't lay still. self-diagnosed restless leg syndrome blows.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

psychic time?

since i have been home for over two weeks, i think it's time to blog again. kendle just does such a wicked good job of blogging everything we do, i feel like y'all will just be getting repeats. so basically if you want to know what's happening check out kendle's blog. i'm going to blog about my dream last night.

so here's what happened. [this part is real. background information...] at nicole's birthday party, we were playing the game of things, a poopin' funny game. and one of the things that we had to answer was "name something that you would like to see a psychic about" or something to that effect. so kendle wrote "if there are spirits around me" which was my personal favorite because i have always wondered that as well. i put "what my dreams mean" because i have some crazy dreams that are always strangely realistic. we preceded to have a conversation about how you can just use online dream interpreters which then led me to explain how one of my dreams from months ago was interpreted incorrectly. i had this dream that i was out in the backyard under austin's tree house when this woman came running into the backyard talking about how this man was chasing her and trying to kill her. we were trying to hide behind the tree (which obviously wasn't very effective because it was a mesquite tree and the trunk is like 6 inches thick). so the man came through our house and was standing in the back door when he started shooting at us. he hit the woman in the arm, and suddenly i remembered that my dad kept a gun in austin's "secret" box in the tree house. (not really. it's empty.) so i climbed the tree and got the gun and i shot the man. and that was the end of the dream. and now i am done with background information. sorry it's long.

so i looked it up online and it said shooting someone in a dream is a sign of uncontrollable rage, which i don't think is very accurate. so then i'm assuming because we talked about it and i have been think about it, it made me dream about it again. i have never had a dream continuation, but here's what happened....

i climbed down from the tree and tried to stop the bleeding from in the woman's arm. i called 911 and then walked stealthily to the man who i shot. i got him in the stomach so he was bleeding pretty badly. all of a sudden, i dropped to my knees and started doing cpr [because i am cpr certified, you know ;)] i kept going for like 10 minutes until the police and paramedics arrived because i didn't want him to be dead. i didn't want to have just killed a man. but he was gone. and i woke up crying.

it was bizarro. so i'm leaving it up to you faithful blog readers [all three of you ;)]. should i just keep using or is it really time for a pyschic?

Monday, April 19, 2010

winding down

as my freshman year of college comes to an end, i would like to reflect on some of the things i'm going to miss most about byu.

*my friends. thank goodness for skype.
*walking around on sundays and hearing people sing (it's grown on me, ok?)
*dr. wood. he's tight.
*all the funny things you can only find at byu. i.e. byu cops, police beat, playing the "20 bucks says he's married" game, and this...

yes, as we were walking home from humor u one night, we stumbled upon this little beauty. it says, "yellow nano iPod left here. go to the wilk info desk to retrieve. Belongs to 'nat'." only at BYU, huh?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

hip hip hooray

i think i have been awake for too long and i have been studying organic and bio chem too much. otherwise this video wouldn't be so funny... i'm a little embarrassed.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

oh my...

a bunch of girls from my hall and i are renting a storage unit all together for the summer. when i called today to reserve the unit, i was also looking at their website and this is what i found.

i admit, their facilities are very nice (although whenever i see one i still think of the CSI where the doctor performed certain surgeries in a storage unit. anyone remember that epsiode? bleh.) but unless i have forgotten home entirely, i don't think this bathroom is "just like home". i mean, i have been away from home for almost 4 months now but i'm hoping it won't be like that. and what the heck is "women friendly"?