Monday, December 10, 2012

{Snow, snow, snow}

It snowed today, and I didn't hate it. Sure it was cold and it stuck to my eyelashes, but it was so pretty I almost didn't mind. This is my fourth winter and I'm finally getting used to it...

Today I also discovered that it is helpful to brush the snow and scrape the ice off of your headlights before you start driving.  They don't work very well otherwise. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

{Finals and Mom}

Well folks, finals time is here again. It came way too fast, but Mom made it just a little better! She bought a "finals kit" for me :) It came with a blanket (good thing cause it's supposed to blizzard on Saturday!), snacks, gum, a pen and pencil, chap stick, a water bottle, and a coupon for hot chocolate. This just brightened my day! Thanks, Mama!

PS- I'll be home in 8 days!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


We have skipped right past Thanksgiving and headed straight for Christmas outside, but I figured I should pay tribute to another great holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 26, 2012


I didn't have clinical today (I got to sleep in until 6:54am!), but I did have a simulation this morning. It was only an hour long, so I came home, made myself some pancakes, and watched Dr. Oz while I stuffed my face. Oh the irony. Anyway, he had a woman on the show named Glynis McCants, who is a numerologist. She explained that numerology is the "science of divining information about life through numbers," and it was developed by Pythagorus in ancient Greece.

She taught everyone how to determine your "life path" number.
(And, of course, she threw in the medical stuff for Dr. Oz)

Mine is 4. Here's what she said...
Personality- You like structure in life. (Hello, that's me!)
Leads to- headaches (Every day of my life...)
Solution- Focus on what you can control,  and go outside to enjoy nature's beauty

Holy crap. She pegged me.

Find out what yours is here!

(Side note: I'm a sucker for weird stuff like this... horoscopes, dream interpretations, reflexology, all of it. It may just be coincidence, but somehow it all seems to be true!)

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I never get tired of these.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

{Hot Topics and Tension}

I discovered something today that I'm sure will brighten your day. There are two new facebook pages on the world wide web concerning some hot topics here in P-town... "BYU for Caffeine" and "BYU Against Caffeine." Legit. 

At first I thought it was a joke, but people are having very heated discussions on these fb walls. This is why the world thinks we're so weird. Church officials did just come out and say that caffeine is not against the Word of Wisdom, and that must be was sparked all this hilariousness. Whatever the reason, I'm happy for it. The pictures people have made are pure awesome. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

{Freedom Festival}

I willingly woke up at 5:15am on a holiday. "Why would you wake up at such an unearthly hour?" you ask. HOT AIR BALLOONS! Going to the balloon festival in Albuquerque is on my bucket list, and since I can't do that for at least another three years (can't miss school, you see) I couldn't miss going to Provo's. And it did not disappoint. It just made me want to go to Albuquerque even more! Way too cool. We were there in time to see most of the balloons being inflated and taking off. We had colorful, classic balloons, Smokey the Bear (totally appropriate seeing as the world is burning down right now), the American Flag (also appropriate), and even a piggy bank from Bank of American Fark (that's how the Utahns say it). After the festival we had some french toast, and watched the parade for an hour or two. (Side note: people here take the parade very seriously. They started staking out their spots yesterday at 8am, spent the night, and then stayed all morning through the parade. It's just a parade, people!) It was a fun morning, but I did come home and sleep for the next two hours!

PS- Happy 4th!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I took a trip to Manti this weekend for the Manti Pageant. Jesus was there. And we got a picture with Captain Moroni (lower left) and random Lamanites (upper almost left). Can't ask for much better than that!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Dad, you're my hero. I love you! Happy Father's Day!

Monday, June 11, 2012

{Mr. Creepy}

I don't remember watching too much Mr. Rogers, but I sure as heck don't remember him being so creepy.


{Thanks to Paula for showing me this!}

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

{I don't want to settle}

This is what I want someday.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

{So much free time}

Not really.... but I like to pretend that I have free time. Tonight I can stay up and party all night if I want to. (I don't want to. I go to bed early these days. It all started when I turned 21...) I can sleep until almost 9. I don't have clinical tomorrow--I don't know what to do with myself.

(Our last day at the hospital with our awesome instructor, Kristen. I'm going to miss Timpanogos!)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

{Knew it}

Remember that one time when I said the nice weather here wouldn't last forever, like less than I week ago? Yeah, it didn't.

Monday, March 12, 2012


It might not last forever, (let's be honest, it'll probably snow in June) but right now, there are little hints of spring everywhere! Yesterday I heard birds chirping. The stream on the south side of campus is running. These little babies popped up...

Oh, and did I mention it's 60* outside!! I haven't worn a coat for three days!! Holla!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

{Tastes like Home}

It doesn't get much better than this... La Mesa tortillas, Tillamook cheese, and Rosarita beans.

Awesome burrito + a little Eegee's to go along with it = the ultimate Tucson lunch.
(Thanks to Mom and Dad for all of it!!!)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentine's Day from some of my favorite people.

And thanks to Mom for the cupcake makings! (If these aren't the cutest cupcakes, I don't know what are.)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

{6 months later...}

I've only been living here for like six months... I figured it was time to show you all where I have been living.

This is the living room. The couches are ugly but the big blue one is awfully comfy. On the wall is an original "Kendle Farr" painting. Love.
This is the kitchen. The floor is ugly and the oven is old, but it works.

Between the living room and the kitchen is the doorway to the back. Straight back are some cupboards. We have so much storage here it's awesome. 
To the left is the vanity and then the bathroom, with a coat closet on the very left.
To the right is the washer and dryer- the best thing that ever happened to me.
This is Laura's room. She's very clean. It looks like this all the time. [I saw her bed unmade one time. It made me feel good :)]
This is mine and Tiffany's room. We still need to put things on the wall....

And this is my side of the room. And that is about it.... the whole apartment. All in all, I really like it. We have so much space and storage. And a washer and dryer!! Can't get much better than that :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

{Matt Costa}

Matt Costa came to BYU (I'm still not sure why. Someone must have a connection) and we went to his concert last night! So fun!

It was just him playing his guitar and sometimes the harmonica, and we loved every minute of it. And here is my favorite Matt Costa song. It was seriously great.

(And we got free demo cds of a band called Bradey Parks and the Indianns. Love.)