Monday, June 11, 2012

{Mr. Creepy}

I don't remember watching too much Mr. Rogers, but I sure as heck don't remember him being so creepy.


{Thanks to Paula for showing me this!}


kendle sue said...

oh mr rogers. he totes has the best sweaters. i do remember liking that show... but i dont remember him like that.... hahahha

The Varga Family said...

Okay you will probably mock me for this but you got me on my soap box. Sorry. But as a member of the Mr. Rogers generation I have to say I don't see what about the video is creepy at all. I loved watching this show and PBS made this video to show how great the children's network is for them. We are raising generations that do not even know how to use their imaginations or thing for themselves. PBS even made the stance that younger generations call Mr. Rogers and Barney creepy and perverted because they were raised to believe everything has to conform to the cool or popular traditions. This man is an example of the good in the world and the ability to learn about real life lessons using puppets, sand castles, and your own mind. Sorry Kels but even put to a modern remix I don't think it creepy.

Adrian said...

Woah Nicole! That was quite the rant! I actually agree with most of though! However, I find the video disturbing. Sweet Mr. Rogers should not be portrayed so creepy!

Austin said...

I think he had too much mind fertilizer in his garden (if you know what i mean).