Saturday, January 15, 2011


Yesterday I told Mom about my plan for today. We (me and my roommates) decided a long time ago that we wanted to go to the Salt Lake Temple to do baptisms and today was the perfect day for it. Mom responding by saying, via text, "You better take a camera and take pictures and blog your trip to the slc temple. You need to redeem yourself to lose the title bad blogger. kelsey the b.b." While we were on our way back today I texted Mom and said, "We went and I took pictures to blog." Mom responded by saying, "Blog soon~~or u will still be b.b." Well we just got back about a half hour ago and I am blogging. I think I should win an award or something. haha

Laura reading. She never stops doing homework.

Kate chillin' with me in the middle seat.

I think I have been living in Utah too long. My skin is starting to glow in the dark.

Me, Hannah, and Kate

Tiff and Laura, and the navigation system.

Hannah only lasted so long.

The five of us outside the temple. 

Close up. The temple is beautiful on the inside. It was awesome to go in.

And we hit up the North Visitor's Center to see the Christus.

There Mom. Did I redeem myself? :)


kendle sue said...

yay for the temple! i'm so glad you blogged! high five!

mom said...

Go you Kelsey! You have almost redeemed yourself. Give us another great blog in the next 7 days and you will be officially redeemed. We just want to see what you are doing!
We miss you.

kendle sue said...

it's true. we do.

Adrian said...

Way to go! Mom is right though... We really love seeing what you are doing and how much fun you're having! For the record, I never called you a b.b.
You look so stinkin' GORGEOUS in these pictures (even if you are starting to glow in the dark). I can't wait for you to go into the rest of that temple because it is fantastic!

Can't wait to see more of your adventures! Love you!

kelsey said...

hey thanks guys! and just so you know, that was the most prepared temple i have ever been to. they are probably ten blow dryers and 6 or 8 straighteners for everyone to use. they also had lotion and face moisturizer for everyone to use. those pictures of us all outside the temple are after we did baptisms. not too shabby, eh?