Monday, September 7, 2009

kinda funny

so, what do byu students do on sundays? good question. its very odd here. they go outside and read scriptures out loud to each other. they walk around campus singing hymns. and they walk to the temple. don't get me wrong. these are all good things. just weird. (and don't worry. i just walked to the temple. i didn't walk around singing, "i love the gospel. it is the best." i know what you're thinking... People don't actually do that... but i am here to tell you, they do.)

but the temple is beautiful, kinda funky, but beautiful. it's quite a walk. especially in church shoes. (didn't quite think that one through. haha)

ok, i do have a funny story. a bunch of the girls from my hall decided to walk down and i hadn't seen it yet so i went. none of us knew that sunday was the day for all the missionaries from the mtc to go there. there were hundreds! i have never seen so many missionaries! so as we were walking, we said, "hey elders"... just to be polite. we weren't trying to stop and talk to them and ask them for their addresses so we could write them or anything. it was innocent, i swear! it was purely to be nice. and most of them just turned their heads the other direction. finally, one told us that we aren't supposed to talk them at all and that they aren't supposed to say anything back. how weird is that? it just doesn't make sense to me. anyway, some weren't quite so reverent. some made us feel like nuns. but it was fun! and i took a few pictures! (don't judge me, i'm not very good! haha)


kendle sue said...

what the old argentinean lego fanatic? haha... weird!!

and what the weirdo monk-ish missionaries? and just think... it only gets worse from there. lol...

great post though!! and awesome pictures!!

isnt provo just strange?! no wonder people think mormons are cult-ish! hahahha!! :)

love you!

Adrian said...

two words...


You're hilarious and your pics are good! Loved Kendle's cult comment! So true! So true!

I was in the computer room while mom was reading this story to dad. Dad was cracking up! We all enjoy your stories and are excited to hear the many to come!

how did you game go for FHE?

Devin, the coolest guy in the world, said...

haha ok one... where the heck were you walking around today? i lived there for a year and did not ever see people reading scriptures out loud to each other or hear people singing as they walked around campus... maybe you young freshmen are just weird this year haha

and two... its not the missionaries faults! they are missionaries! you are beautiful young girls! you are very distracting on their temple days! and they are just doing what they are told! haha

nice pictures though! and im glad to see you are doing things with your hall! that is exciting!

and dont make fun of legos... they are fun :)

Danielle said...

Thank you Devin. i have also walked around BYU campus many a Sundays and never saw such things lol.

the Provo temple is gorgeous inside. You should do baptisms sometime. thats also another crazy Provo experience.