Friday, September 11, 2009

the temple

so my friend alyssa and i were invited to do baptisms at the temple with these people we didn't know. but we figured it would be cool since neither of us had been there yet. so we were supposed to meet at the cannon center at 7 to walk over. we get there a few minutes late and no one is there, so we figured they left us. so we booked it up to the temple, and when we are in the little park thing across the street from the temple, the girl called and was like, "where are you guys?" and we were all, "almost at the temple" and then she was all, "oh. well we're just leaving the cannon center. we were late." you think? but it was really no big deal.

so alyssa and i are waiting outside the temple for like a half hour for them. we finally go in, but it was pretty busy so we got split up from the rest of the group. it was very cool. it's beautiful inside. and we had a really good time!

so after we were finally done, at like 10 o'clock at night, we went outside to meet the group... yeah they left us. so alyssa and i had to walk home... to our dorms... all by ourselves. and, neither of us had our rape whistles with us! it was a little disconcerting. haha.

so as we were walking home... to the dorms... the sprinklers came on, very powerfully i might add. so we ran through and in the second and a half it took we were already drenched. and then we were cold. and then both of our shoes were ripping our feet up. so we were walking back barefoot. (my feet were black by the end.)

an then, some guys drove by and shouted and alyssa freaked out. and then these other guys drove by and pretending to be shooting at us. they even had a machine gun sound playing. and then these other guys were trying to break into the sewer. and then these other guys (like 30 of 'em) were walking around the dorms with guitars and violins and harmonicas singing songs... but not hymns. haha.

anyway, it was quite an adventurous night. despite it all, i really do like it here. i promise. haha


kendle sue said...

way to go to the temple for baptisms! thats awesome... i should done that while i was up there! oh well... but im glad you went... even though you didnt know the rest of your group... not that you went with them or anything lol!

and what the weird boys all over the place?! and pretending to shoot? strange. who does that?!

who is alyssa? is she from your dorms too?

anyway... way to blog! :) love ya!

Mark and Rachel said...

That is awesome. We are tryng to set up a time that our family can go do baptism because Mark has never done them before.

The Varga Family said...

All I have to say to you Kelsey is... "What on earth were you thinking? Going out in Provo, Utah without your rape whistle!!!" Are you insane? You could have died, well been raped, cause I don't think the whistle whould stop a killer. lol.

K, just kidding! :) Really though, props to you for going to the temple. Did you meet any one there since the group you went with didn't "go with you"?