Thursday, September 3, 2009

i'm here

ok, so... i have been here for over a week. almost a weeks worth of classes is over. they are gonna be tough. but i can do it. :) i know i skyped with pretty much the only people who will read this but here are some pictures of my room. and some other random things, ie. the signs up above! hehe (those are for you mom!)

so this is my bed! how cute is that?! i was gonna blog about it when mom i and did it, but i forgot to take pictures and then i sent it up to utah. but here it is now! mom and i (and when i say "mom and i" i mean mostly mom!) sewed sheets together to make a little duvet cover for my comforter. that way its easier to wash and stinkin' cute :)

this is the window sill. that's pretty much all my stuff... whoops...

and this is the little sink that's in the room. so the room is really tiny, but everything fits really nicely! :)

this is my desk. it's way bigger than i expected it to be so it's pretty nice. :)

these are the shelves in my room. up top is the ski shelf. i guess it's supposed to be used for snow equipment and crap, but let's face it. i don't even have a coat yet. why would i have snow stuff? i wouldn't. that's the answer. haha but it works perfectly for extra little cubbies! :)

this is my dresser/closet. it's little. and full.

case in point. :)

and last, and probably most, these are the cubbies under my bed. there's alot. and there are suitcases and boxes behind them! and yes, my bed is a million inches tall! :)

i am really quite liking it here. it's different. there are pregnant chicks all over the place. and everyone you think looks your age is actually married and barely pregnant. but it's good!

ps- i haven't done laundry yet, and i'm a little worried too. if it's bad, i'll blog my adventures! :)


Aubry Wilkes said...

So FUN! I am so excited for you Kels. Enjoy it to the fullest. Love YA!

kendle sue said...

yay!! its all so cute! and coordinated! and organized! so very very cute!! :)

The Bushman Family said...

That makes me miss Riley even more, it brings back all those memories of setting him up in the dorms last year. I hope you have a great year I love BYU!!

Adrian said...

Your bed/room is rockin cute! I was a little confused looking at these pictures at first because skype flips everything around. Apparently I was all types of backwards. Oh and I didn't get to see your ski shelf when you were giving me a tour. Who likes to ski? Not ME! your cubbies fit nicely! Anyway your BYU pics are really cute.

I'm sad you're gone, but glad you're having fun!

Look at your comments! There ARE other people that read your blog besides me, mom and kendle! Awesome!

Can't wait to see more pictures of your college adventures!! Love you!

Devin, the coolest guy ever, said...

hey! i took those first three pictures! :)

The Varga Family said...

Okay so first off I am very very sad that you didn't count me in on the people that would read your blog... and Adrian didn't either... no way I am offended. lol. K' not really!
Second... I really love what you did with the place. I like Adrian was a little mixed up with the layout, Good thing you taught us how to flip it around on skype. :)
Third, I am so glad you are having fun. I hope you classes are not to hard but I know you can do it and have fun at the same time. I am so looking forward to hearing your school stories cause I know I always had fun ones.
Now as for the Sunday's in Provo, I am amazed that out of 5 friends I have had at BYU I have never heard of such nonsense. hahaha. I laughed my socks off at this. They really read and sing to each other??? Wow, that is special.
As for walking to the temple, I think you picked the safest sunday activity. I will tell you when I was there last spring to visit Ashley we walked to the temple and made the same "sunday-shoes" mistake. lol. Glad to hear I'm not the only one to not think of things like that. ;)
K sorry for the novel. Hope your having fun... we will have to come visit you sometime soon! P.s. did we tell you I finally got my truck back? yep!!!!

Danielle said...

nice posters ;)