Saturday, June 6, 2009


i'm bad at these... and i don't have anyone else to tag... haha... but here goes...

[8 favorite tv shows]
*the office
*30 rock
*the bachelorette
*criminal minds

[8 things i did yesterday]
*wii fit
*got mom's car washed
*went to 7 million stores looking for leather furniture cleaner, but to no avail
*went to zac's for a movie/game night
*played spoons without ever getting a letter! (i'm proud)
*ordered a henna kit (don't be jealous. there's probably enough for you adrian)
*recovered from a sunburn (i should be used to it)
*saw a man's entire butt crack while he was washing cars (do you want a picture? cause i might have one...)

[8 restaurants i love]
*la salsa
*texas roadhouse
*risky business
*jamba juice (just kidding. that's a joke. i don't love it. i don't even like it. haha)
*el paso
*el molinito's (i think there is a theme- mexican and steak... not at the same time)

[8 things im looking forward to]
*moving to college
*u2 party tonight (i'm kidding again)
*bachelorette and newlyweds on monday!
*not having to work at jamba, come august
*trying to (for once) get a tan this summer
*ashley coming for a visit
*the bug bites on my foot to go away! (all 5 of them. on the same foot. no joke.)

[8 things on my wish list]
*a trip to graceland (i'll do it someday)
*my graduation present- a laptop
*new sunglasses
*miss congeniality (i can't believe we don't own it)
*pretty toenails (no comments, please)
*a new book
*to not have to go to the u2 party
*same as kendle... for grandpa to come back

well, i really don't have anyone else to tag. so i guess this is it.

...until next time...


kendle sue said...

HAHAHA!!! you MUST put that picture of the crack up!! that was so nasty!! lol!!

i didnt know you want to go to graceland... it totally makes sense though... do it!!

im commenting on your toenail wish... that made me laugh so hardcore!!! haha...

i wish we didnt have to go tonight either... did you ever figure out what time it is at?

good job on thi post. freaking funny.


Adrian said...

That crack was gross!! I don't think it's appropriate for public display!! hahhaha!

Why can't we comment on your toes? It's hard not to! Good wish though!

I totally recording wipe-out tonight!!

I really want Grandpa to come back too... :(

mom said...

Hey, super cute new header. (note comment even though you haven't posted in a long time.)