Friday, July 25, 2008

my hero!

ok so last night zac and devin came over and we played mario cart (the one for the wii is even more fun!)

we went swimming, and then we decided to get some desert. we were trying to figure out something new to do cause it seems like we're doing the same things over and over, you know? it's still fun... we just wanted something new! so we decided on Oregano's (yes a sit down restaurant at 9:15 at night!).
they have the most heavenly desert! it's called a pizzookie! it's basically a giant chocolate chip cookie, freshly baked and still gooey, with vanilla ice cream on top! it's heaven! so we got one of those and shared it cause it's pretty massive! so our bill was like $5.39 or something like that! it was a great deal! anyway...

then we came back to our house and watched the newest episode of celebrity family feud! gotta love it! so when it was time for them to leave, i walked them to the door and i was closing it behind them when this FREAKING TARANTULA ran into the house!

neither of them would do anything about it and i didn't know where austin was so i was kinda freaking out! i ran into mom and dad's room and they were both asleep. mom jerked awake like she does and then didn't really care to help. dad just mumbled, "get it out." then i was like "HOW?" mom said to brush it out the door with a broom. so i was going to try to be brave and brush it out the door. by the time i got back to the living room with the broom, austin had a tupperware bowl and just trapped it! that means he was way closer to it than i ever would have been! how brave! i was so impressed! when zac and devin were just standing there, austin just walks up and traps it and takes it outside! love him!

anyway... so after austin takes it outside, mom is all of a sudden alert and and awake and she was trying to get austin to bring it back in the house so i could get a picture of it to blog it for you but he wouldn't do it! haha! so a picture from wikipedia will have to suffice!


Adrian said...

Not Adrian's comment. This comment is from Mom.

Austin is a brave young man. This blog entry does not reflect well on the other 2 older young men you had visiting you. Scaredy cats!

kendle sue said...

AUSTINS A HERO!!! what a brave dude he is!! :) high five tino!! if i ever have tarantula problems, im totally calling you! love you buddy!

...tell zac and devin i say "losers..." lol... just kidding. tarantulas are scary....

Adrian said...

You went for some desert???!? I’ve only been to Oreganos once and didn’t love it. Apparently I didn’t try the pizzookie…sounds amazing!!

I hate tarantulas!!! Remember that huge one that came into the kitchen because we left the door a tiny bit open for Shoosh. I called our neighbor Neil to come get it! Way to go bud! Way to be a good brother!! You know in New Moon when Jacob and Bella are teasing each other about their age and they get extra years for certain things…..well Austin just got 5 years for the tarantula thing! He’s totally beating both Zac and Devin! Seriously good job Austino!!!

Anonymous said...

hey! i grew up with 3 older sisters and some of their... uncool traits rubbed off on me. and yes austin has 3 sisters too but he must just be freaking amazing! and fyi if it had come down to getting it out with a broom i would have done that so kelsey wouldn't have had to.