Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

{A tale of earthquakes, glass, and babies}

This morning at the buttcrack of dawn (actually, it was still completely dark out. It was pre-buttcrack) my roommates and I volunteered at the "Shake Out, Take Out" emergency drill at the local hospital. Here's the scenario: at 2am this morning there was an earthquake in Utah County. Mount Timp hospital collapsed two hours later and everyone from that hospital had to be moved to one that wasn't as effected. All the hospitals also had to take in people who were hurt in the disaster. Tiffany was an 18 year old male from UVU with a compound fracture in her leg. Laura was a 32 year old man who had a bump on his head and a laceration on his forearm and was worried about his missing wife. I was a 34 year old woman, was in a car accident and had glass in my arm and a bruised face. I was also 28 weeks pregnant and was in active labor. Basically the only reason we did it was to get moulaged. Loved it.

Tiff's compound fracture.

Laura's bump on the head and forearm laceration.

In the hospital parking lot. Strangely enough, all the fields around the hospital were busy with soccer and ultimate frisbee. We got some strange looks as we were helping Tiffany hobble to the emergency room.

Luckily, I'm white enough that it really blended in and looked pretty legit.

Pretty wicked bruise!

So as it turns out, the nurses in Labor and Delivery stopped my labor, but I'm still being monitored. The doctors in the ER got the glass out, did an x-ray to make sure there wasn't any glass left in me, and cauterized my artery and sewed up my arm. They couldn't do much about my head (no CT scan because I was pregnant) so it's still being monitored too. Tiffany is still in emergency surgery, and Laura found her wife. Life is good!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

{You asked, I delivered}

You all have been begging me to blog for three weeks now. You might be getting more than you bargained for. Below is a rather huge picture of my foot. I made it that huge so you can better see my GIGANTIC blister. I doesn't hurt, but it is super uncomfortable. Apparently this happens every year. Remember this post? The thing about this blister is that it came after wearing sandals that I have worn everyday for the last 4 months. What the what?

{Camping Fools}

Once upon a time, we went camping. It was just over night up Provo Canyon, but it sure was a fun trip. We played lots of scum (as seen below), roasted hot dogs for dinner and marshmallows for dessert (new favorite s'more- keebler fudge stripes instead of the graham cracker and chocolate. mmmm), roasted starbursts so they are soft and warm, and basically ate everything bad for you. These three pictures were the only pictures of the whole trip...

Kate and me

Holly's sister and Holly

Hannah (she was poop scum, hence the sad face)

Sleeping was kind of a different story. First of all, we were quite literally right next to the highway, so we heard giant semis rumble by all night long. It was freezing cold. Six of us were squished into a tiny tent. Kate, Hannah and I couldn't extend our legs all the way. (Holly could. She's short.) Hannah accidentally slept with her feet outside of the tent most of the night. I was sleeping on a rock or stump us something. Needless to say, no one got much sleep, and it was a really long night. Anywho, just be impressed that we went. haha