Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Welcome to my Home

I have been living in Provo for 57 days now so I figured it was time to actually show you where I live.

I live in apartment #14.

This is our living room. We're still working on decorations. Although, at this point, I'm not sure it will ever happen.

This lovely little partition is a coat closet in the front and the pantry in the back. (And yes, two of my roommates are from Texas. Also, sorry about my stupid collage. I couldn't make it look any better than this.)

This is the kitchen. We have all the necessities except a garburator, a.k.a garbage disposal. We're getting a new faucet any day because ours in old and yucky and sprays your shirt every time you turn it on. I have also heard rumor that we're getting another fridge... :)


This is the part of the pantry. The shelf that has Western Family fruit loops is mine :)

Then you walk past the chastity line (where no boys are allowed) and on the left you see my bathroom and my Elvis :) Oh, and that's my bedroom door on the very right.

On the right is the vanity and the other bathroom at the end of the hall. Right here on the very right is my bathroom storage (see next picture).

The top two shelves are mine. I got the best ones :)

This is my room. My bed on the left, Tiff's on the right. It looks very similar to last year. I enjoy it.

This is my half of the room with my bed and desk. All pretty normal.

This the the closet. It's awfully tight. It doesn't look that tight but that's just because I hadn't done laundry in quite a while.

I took these pictures on the day we had cleaning checks. Nice, right? Well, now you know where I live. What do y'all think?


Adrian said...

I'm so glad we finally get to see pictures! It's different than I imagined. Not bad or good, just different. Anyway, yeah for a new faucet. I love how all of your food is snacks! :) And your bedroom looks EXACTLY the same as your dorm. Funny! I'm so happy that you come home in 33 days! You've already been in school for almost double that length! Thanks for FINALLY posting pictures! It makes me really happy!

p.s.-- Can you still go buy me that shirt? That's got to be the only good thing about you living in Utah. Ok and the fact that you already got to see Scarlett! So not fair!

kendle sue said...

yay!! zac & i looked at this last night... and then i forgot to comment! whoops. lol anyway.... its absolutely provo style! i love it! zac was laughing at how cram-packed your pantry is... he just doesnt have any idea that THAT is how you roll in college. haha!! ps... your lone picture of elvis in your living room is SO funny!! :) and i'm keeping my fingers crossed you get that new faucet & fridge! anyway... thanks for blogging this... it made me happy!

by the way... who were those boys you were with last night?

mom said...

bout time we got some pics.

Danielle said...

i love how your remote is the same size as your TV. ALSO thanks for keeping my posters alive! i sure love them. i hope your Texas roommates aren't too Texas pride-y thats the worst. the flag is bad enough. but all in all super cute. i miss those single days! enjoy them!