Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I really am going to blog something substantial, you know, something that's actually going on in my life, but I have one more test tonight. Until that is over, I will leave you with some police beats :)

Oct. 5: A person has been seen in the Widstoe lab leaving suspicious notes on green tape on the lab counter. The notes have said things like "super nice," "nice," and "good job." The man has entered the lab and left these suspicious notes several nights in a row. Officers suspect he might be the boyfriend of one of the lab workers.

Oct. 7: In lot 48, a black Toyota was parked against a hill and the windows were fogged up. When the officer approached, he discovered a male and female in the car. After running the plates on the car, the officer noticed the owner of the car is banned from UVU's campus for a sex offense. The officer warned the young woman that her companion was dangerous. The woman assured him that she was fine and the officer left.

Oct. 7: The southwest gate on West Campus Drive was damaged when a car drove through it.

Oct. 5: Two male students were arguing over dating. One was having a difficult time getting dates and was telling the other student about it. The second student joked that he didn't have a difficult time getting dates and he could date the other student's mother. The first student took offense and slammed the second student against a wall and brandished a knife. Upon arrival, the police arrested the first student for aggravated assault. However, the second student decided to not press charges, so the first student was released.

This weeks were really good. I laughed out loud, to myself, for quite a while. :)


Mom said...

Was that last one on BYU's campus or elsewhere? That's pretty brutal: I could date your mother....

And it is time for something about you and pictures of something!!!

Adrian said...

I never get tired of these, but I am ready for some real pictures!

kendle sue said...

BAHAHA! i laughed out loud. in fact, i still am. fantastic. y'all are a bunch of weirdees up there. lol...

ps... hurry and get your tests done, i want to see apartment pics :)