Thursday, August 26, 2010

return to provo

mom and i drove up to utah on tuesday. jason and laurel very graciously let us crash in their basement after and incredibly long day of driving. (thanks a ton!) wednesday i moved into my apartment, got all my paperwork done for my job, did a bit a shopping (i.e. bought mockingjay. awesome.) then went to paula's house to stay for a few nights (thank you paula!) today we did more shopping, moved more stuff in, bought my books, etc. along with our many adventures, today was my first time parallel parking EVER. (please don't make fun. i was very proud.) i kept getting excited and said i parallel parked and mom would say "no, you just pulled up to the curb." well this time was for real. there are cars in the front and cars in the back. i'm impressed with myself even if i am much farther from the curb than most people. :)


Laurel said...

I still remember I was docked points during my drivers' ed test for parking TOO CLOSE to the curb! Now I haven't done it in so long that I'm kind of scared of it... ;)

You know we LOOOOVE having you guys stay with us, and I can't wait to see so much of you this school year!

kendle said...

hahaha!! you are SO far away! but high five anyway! lol!! be nice to charlie... he's a good car.

i'm glad you've been super productive! [i've started reading mockingjay too! bahaha!] i am so excited for you to blog all of your new byu adventures!! :) next you need to blog your apartment... i want to see it!

love you & miss you!

mom said...

Glad to see you blogging again. Lame-O blogger during the summer! I finally made it back home late last night after an hour and half delay in LA. Glad to have been able to be with you to get somewhat organized. I want to know how you do in the kitchen! Love you.

kar.deez said...

Did you take that chunk out of the curb?? Have fun at school. Love You!