Sunday, March 7, 2010

riddle me this

how long does it take a giraffe to throw up?

[cha cha is failing. it didn't know the answer either. cha cha said, "stop wasting time with stupid questions." the person working today was apparently a little bitter...]


kendle said...

cha cha said that?! what a jerky jerk of a cha cha-er! they should be fired! i thought the purpose of cha cha WAS to ask stupid questions?! ba ha ha...

and ps. i dont know the answer. can giraffes even through up? lol...

The Varga Family said...

Is this one of those questions like, "How many lickes does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?" lol....

I hate Cha cha, Do you remember that one time at the county fair? ... the time when I wanted to know what made pink lemonade pink... Yeah well the didn't like that question either cause they never answered. LAME!

Oh and just for the record I don't know the answer either! Sorry. haha

The Varga Family said...

So just in case you never got answer here is one from Zoo Life, on line....
Giraffes chew cud, as do deer, cattle and antelopes. This means that they break down their food a little in the first of the four chambers of the stomach before regurgitating the food as a bolus back into the mouth, where it is chewed more thoroughly. Because of this, giraffes can also vomit, despite the long distance from the stomach to the mouth. Sometimes this can cause Giraffes to choke on their food and is a common cause of death, the same as aspiration pneumonia in a human. However, they don't throw up like you or I but rather they transfer food to the different chambers of the stomach and some of thier food can go up their esophagus but for the most part they cannot actually vomit. They lack the nerve that we have that causes ....."fast vomiting".

Also another little fact I found.... It takes about 5 1/2 minutes to throw up! Wierd! :)

Austin said...

ha ha!