Sunday, November 1, 2009

all hallow's eve

so halloween was really fun! thursday night we went to a corn maze. it was so dang fun. i had never been to one before. i didn't even know if tucson had one. so i googled it and found out that we do. it's just more than half way to mexico... hence never going. i haven't gotten the pictures yet but i promise i will blog them this week :)

these are my halloween decorations mom sent up for me! everyone loves them! how could you not?!

my boots came! you can't see them in the picture very well but i promise they are stinking cute!

so, this was thursday night before the corn maze. kate (the one in the middle) had all of this halloween stuff sent to her so we made the candy necklaces, made candy skeletons, and practiced catching candy corn after tossing it in the air. let's just say, i still suck. haha

i was completely done with my necklace so i was tying it off. yeah... i dropped it. i cried.

kate's mom also sent halloween costumes for all of us. we were bugs. this is the night before halloween. it was really late but i wasn't ready to go to sleep so i curled my hair and put on tons of makeup to practice. i don't have the halloween night pictures either yet but it was tons of fun! they had a haunted house in the clyde building on campus. it really wasn't that scary but i'm kind of a jumpy person. (y'all know how i react when someone is standing outside the bathroom door when i come out? yeah well i was worse going through the haunted house. haha)

then we went to the cannon center for the dance. a lot more people showed up than i thought would so it was tons of fun. they even had a hay ride. to where?... you might ask. yeah... it was around helaman halls. it was quite thrilling. haha after the dance was over it was late but no one was ready to sleep. so we watched young frankenstein. oh how i love that movie! :) anyway, all in all it was a very fun halloween! and now it's november which means i could be coming home this month :)


kendle sue said...

too cute!! i love it all! especially your boots! oh how i love them! :) im glad you had a fun halloween!

...keep your fingers crossed...


Adrian said...

I'm a fan of your bug eyes and LOVE your boots! We wanted to do the corn maze at Apple Annie's but didn't get to. That's pretty sweet that you got to!