Thursday, October 1, 2009

what do you do when no where on campus carries it?

you make your own! we really wanted to do face masks the other night but no one had any. so we went to the creamery, no luck. we walked all the way to the creamery on 9th, no luck. we went to the bookstore, no luck. people told us the only place within walking distance that might have carried in was macey's (the grocery store not the department store. confusing, i know.) but if you knew this area at all (which i don't) you would know that macey's really isn't in walking distance. it would take hours and hours.

so, we googled how to make your own and came up with a list of stuff that we could buy at the creamery. yogurt, honey, and oatmeal. but it happened that the creamery only had strawberry cheesecake yogurt and brown maple oatmeal. but we did it anyway! and it worked surprisingly well! i kinda liked it! (but don't eat any of it, it's not so tasty. haha)

this is me and jessica. the strawberry on her forehead made me laugh so hard i made her leave it on! doesn't it look lovely? :)

and this was another trip to the temple. the sunset was pretty. :)


kendle sue said...

hmm... thats kinda gross, kelsey lyn. (and just so you know... it really doesnt take HOURS to get to maceys... just like half hour there, half hour back. haha... but still.) but you totally get a high five for being creative! lol!!

very cute picture at the temple! thats awesome that yall go so much! :)

Laurel said...

Hey, I'm just glad you decided to rinse off the masks before you made it to the temple. ;) Awesome!

Adrian said...

Awesome! Honestly this is not as gross as I imagined. Definitely as FUNNY, but not nearly as gross! Way to be resourceful! I'm pretty sure the strawberry is my favorite. ;)