Wednesday, September 23, 2009

only at BYU

my favorite from today's police beat:

a hot air balloon was reported floating over campus. the officers responded and confirmed that there was a hot air balloon, but as BYU does not own the airspace no action was taken.


Sunday, September 20, 2009


pre-game happiness.

i was so excited for the first home game. it was a bummer. but its alright i guess. (not really, i'm just trying to make myself feel better. haha) it was hard to get seats together so we broke up into groups. this is kate from florida.

mid-game happiness when we still had a shot at winning. after that the pictures aren't so cute. i was sad. haha

Friday, September 18, 2009

another temple trip

on the way over it rained pretty hard on us. we figured it was a sign that this trip was gonna be just as bad as the first one. (not the actual temple part, you understand. the trip to and from.) anyway, we went with different people and it went much much better. we were never shot at. we were never sprayed by sprinklers. we were never ditched. in fact, it was fun. here's a picture. the sunset behind us was beautiful! (we were walking into the rain.)

anyway, that's all. just thought you would like to know. :)

ps- the office was on while i was there :( it was worth it still. but i watched it today. i wanted to pee my pants. it was HIL-larious! ya'll should watch it! :)

police beat

i am so excited for these. they are the reason i came to byu. (not really but i love it :)) anyway, my favorite for this week was this one:

september 6: two male subjects were knocking on doors in the female area of wyview park. they identified themselves as missionaries. when the police arrived the two male students said they thought it was a novel way to meet girls.

the police beat brings joy to my soul. oh byu... :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

good things

it has been brought to my attention that i'm only blogging the weird things about utah. i'm just trying to set the scene for you all! (cause it is weird here! haha)

but, fun things really have been happening. for instance, as i am typing, there is a band of banjo, accordion, guitar, etc., players walking up and down the hall right outside my door. it's not really good, but it's amusing. haha

anyway, friday night, we went to humor u. it was HIL-larious! it's a stand-up comedy performance. the humor is only for mormons/byu students but it was dang funny! they said they do like 8 shows a year and i am going to every one. haha

saturday afternoon, we went to the smith fieldhouse to watch the football game. the game was not all that exciting cause we basically dominated 54-3. but it was fun cause we sang the byu song every time we got a touchdown. it was fun! here's a picture of the group of girls i went with before we met up with the rest of the group. we didn't take pictures after that for some reason...

then later that day, we went to the byu hockey game. it would have been nice to know beforehand that our team kinda sucked. it was still fun though! i did forget a jacket and it was a tad chilly in the ice rink. and we sat right by the penalty box and the guys reeked. it was not very pleasant. haha and there was this one guy, #77 from utah state, every time he took his helmet off, he would run his fingers through is his long, sweaty, greasy hair. it was disgusting. i think i threw up in my mouth a little.

and the girls from utah state were nasty. they had foul mouths and kept trying to talk like they knew what was going on (when clearly they didn't) just because their boyfriends were on the team. i admit, i don't know hockey very well, but i even knew more than them. girls are stupid. haha

anyway, i really am having fun. the weird experiences still kinda outweigh the good ones but, i swear, the good ones are happening! :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

the temple

so my friend alyssa and i were invited to do baptisms at the temple with these people we didn't know. but we figured it would be cool since neither of us had been there yet. so we were supposed to meet at the cannon center at 7 to walk over. we get there a few minutes late and no one is there, so we figured they left us. so we booked it up to the temple, and when we are in the little park thing across the street from the temple, the girl called and was like, "where are you guys?" and we were all, "almost at the temple" and then she was all, "oh. well we're just leaving the cannon center. we were late." you think? but it was really no big deal.

so alyssa and i are waiting outside the temple for like a half hour for them. we finally go in, but it was pretty busy so we got split up from the rest of the group. it was very cool. it's beautiful inside. and we had a really good time!

so after we were finally done, at like 10 o'clock at night, we went outside to meet the group... yeah they left us. so alyssa and i had to walk home... to our dorms... all by ourselves. and, neither of us had our rape whistles with us! it was a little disconcerting. haha.

so as we were walking home... to the dorms... the sprinklers came on, very powerfully i might add. so we ran through and in the second and a half it took we were already drenched. and then we were cold. and then both of our shoes were ripping our feet up. so we were walking back barefoot. (my feet were black by the end.)

an then, some guys drove by and shouted and alyssa freaked out. and then these other guys drove by and pretending to be shooting at us. they even had a machine gun sound playing. and then these other guys were trying to break into the sewer. and then these other guys (like 30 of 'em) were walking around the dorms with guitars and violins and harmonicas singing songs... but not hymns. haha.

anyway, it was quite an adventurous night. despite it all, i really do like it here. i promise. haha

something to ponder

so this last tuesday was the first devotional at byu. president and sister samuelson spoke and it was fabulous! but, as we were walking out of the marriot center, this whole group of people were singing hymns. either i am seeing the only weird people on campus or this is normal behavior around here. i can't decide yet, but i think i'm leaning towards normal behavior... haha. and no, this group of people were not the weirdo, overzealous freshman. they were old. so now that i'm thinking about it, maybe the two ends of the age bracket are the weird ones... something to ponder. either way it's still weird...

Monday, September 7, 2009

kinda funny

so, what do byu students do on sundays? good question. its very odd here. they go outside and read scriptures out loud to each other. they walk around campus singing hymns. and they walk to the temple. don't get me wrong. these are all good things. just weird. (and don't worry. i just walked to the temple. i didn't walk around singing, "i love the gospel. it is the best." i know what you're thinking... People don't actually do that... but i am here to tell you, they do.)

but the temple is beautiful, kinda funky, but beautiful. it's quite a walk. especially in church shoes. (didn't quite think that one through. haha)

ok, i do have a funny story. a bunch of the girls from my hall decided to walk down and i hadn't seen it yet so i went. none of us knew that sunday was the day for all the missionaries from the mtc to go there. there were hundreds! i have never seen so many missionaries! so as we were walking, we said, "hey elders"... just to be polite. we weren't trying to stop and talk to them and ask them for their addresses so we could write them or anything. it was innocent, i swear! it was purely to be nice. and most of them just turned their heads the other direction. finally, one told us that we aren't supposed to talk them at all and that they aren't supposed to say anything back. how weird is that? it just doesn't make sense to me. anyway, some weren't quite so reverent. some made us feel like nuns. but it was fun! and i took a few pictures! (don't judge me, i'm not very good! haha)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

to dustin

happy birthday to my favorite brother-in-law!!! :) wish i was there! skyping at your party was a blast though!! :) love you!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

i'm here

ok, so... i have been here for over a week. almost a weeks worth of classes is over. they are gonna be tough. but i can do it. :) i know i skyped with pretty much the only people who will read this but here are some pictures of my room. and some other random things, ie. the signs up above! hehe (those are for you mom!)

so this is my bed! how cute is that?! i was gonna blog about it when mom i and did it, but i forgot to take pictures and then i sent it up to utah. but here it is now! mom and i (and when i say "mom and i" i mean mostly mom!) sewed sheets together to make a little duvet cover for my comforter. that way its easier to wash and stinkin' cute :)

this is the window sill. that's pretty much all my stuff... whoops...

and this is the little sink that's in the room. so the room is really tiny, but everything fits really nicely! :)

this is my desk. it's way bigger than i expected it to be so it's pretty nice. :)

these are the shelves in my room. up top is the ski shelf. i guess it's supposed to be used for snow equipment and crap, but let's face it. i don't even have a coat yet. why would i have snow stuff? i wouldn't. that's the answer. haha but it works perfectly for extra little cubbies! :)

this is my dresser/closet. it's little. and full.

case in point. :)

and last, and probably most, these are the cubbies under my bed. there's alot. and there are suitcases and boxes behind them! and yes, my bed is a million inches tall! :)

i am really quite liking it here. it's different. there are pregnant chicks all over the place. and everyone you think looks your age is actually married and barely pregnant. but it's good!

ps- i haven't done laundry yet, and i'm a little worried too. if it's bad, i'll blog my adventures! :)