Thursday, July 2, 2009

my new love

earlier this week mom, dad, and i went shopping and bought my graduation present! a new laptop!!! and it's fantastic!! so we bought it on monday, and we got this smart bundle thing with it so we had to leave it overnight so they could remove trialware and install software and all that fun stuff. then they said they would call at some point on tuesday but they never actually gave a time.

so tuesday... early afternoon... mom, kendle, and i went to see 17 again, again. (which, by the way, it was even better the second time!!! love that movie and love zac efron! hehe! if you have not seen it, you must!!) anyway, so the whole time we were out i was calling the home phone voice mail to see if they had called and left a message (after mom and taught me how, that is!). but alas, they had not. :(

so finally at like 4 o'clock, i couldn't take it anymore so i called them! the girl that answered the phone went and checked on it for me and they had just finished. so kendle and i jumped in the car and went to get my computer. but then we had to pick up austin at his friend's house and we started talking to austin's friend's mom and saw their new puppy and all this stuff. to make a long story short, it was like 8 o'clock at night before i could even open the box!! but it was worth the wait! it's seriously fantastic!!

and finally, here are some pictures!!! haha

note the swirlies all over it the front!! they are too cute! they are on the back too, but the only picture i got of the back was blindingly bright and you couldn't really see them. :( so just imagine them! haha

beautiful, right?! i love it! thanks a million mom and dad!!!


Adrian said...

I still need to see it in person!!! Tomorrow!

I still want to see that movie too!

You'll have to show me the whole web cam/skype thing! I don't know how it works but I'm sure excited!

I'm so excited for you and your laptop! Mom and dad are the best! And I'm only slighty bitter now that my graduation present was not as cool (or expensive)!

kendle sue said...

dude... its a rocking sweet laptop!! i love it! and i do love all the little swirlies!! :) a-freaking-mazing!!