Saturday, October 25, 2008

my birthday!

i'm sorry that it has been so long and that i haven't put more birthday pictures up! but here they are!

the gaslight was amazing! as always!

me and craig!

grandpa paid the quarter for austin to ride in the rocket!

it kinda hurt his neck! haha

ok this video just makes me laugh so i put it on! what a dork! haha

i got the coolest phone in the world! the dare!!!! seriously... amazing!! as you can tell... austin was very enthused... apparently he got so bored that he started skimming the pool... weird.

texas roadhouse was very fun too! sorry the first picture is so dark. we finally turned the flash on! haha

then we went home and i opened presents!

then the next day after family dinner, we had the pie!

apparently while we were at the gaslight on friday night, some of my friends decorated my car! it was so funny! there were even balloons inside! when the car would heat up, the balloons would start to smell and it gave me a massive headache! haha

it was a very fun birthday!!


kendle sue said...

yay!! kelsey yo finally posted!! and its amazing!! happy birthday! :)

whoa. austin? skimming the pool? of his own free will? strange....

i freaking love that video!! hahah i laughed so hard! i think i love the squeekyness of the rocket... austin looks like hes having fun... lol.

THE PIE!! oh baby. thats so yummy... if only i coulda been there...

but wow! it looks like fun! with grandpa and aunt nancy and craig!!

...if only i coulda been there...

hey and congrats on your phone! its wicked sweet! :)

love you!

Adrian said...

Happy Birthday AGAIN!! (Kendle did you know that Kelsey had a party over the weekend to celebrate her birthday because apparently she didn’t celebrate enough weeks ago?) I even have leftover birthday cake at my house to prove it. Mom made me bring home for the boys.

Austin was pitiful in that video... and what the pool skimming??

Dinner was super fun especially cause Craig, Nancy and Grandpa were there!!!

I so bought the birthday pies! That’s right! They were AMAZING!!

Adrian said...

Kendle... Kelsey and I CANNOT WAIT for you to hear her phone! It plays the text messages you send. Yours are freaking hilarious!! It really is a "wicked sweet" phone!

kendle sue said...

what?! it PLAYS them? like reads them out loud? that is SO COOL!

Anonymous said...

haha sweet birthday!!! haha. i really wish i could have been there! it looks like you had a good time! and sweet car by the way!!! haha
well Happy Birthday! im sad i wasnt there! but hey!!! i'll be home in... well i dont know the days... but NEXT MONTH!!! :):):):):):):):):)