Saturday, October 25, 2008

i want to suck your blood...

for the last couple of weeks we have been getting ready for our school blood drive. this year 16 and 17 year olds can donate with parent permission so it was kinda stressful! we even ran out of parent permission forms so we had to have our red cross rep bring us more on the day before the blood drive!

so it was last tuesday (the 21st) and it went really well! we passed our goal (of 60!!). we got 62 units of good blood! whoo hoo! i tried so hard to give blood this time! i had been eating iron-rich foods and drinking alot of water so when i went back to the history, i was really nervous. i seriously was so excited when i passed the iron test! i had 12.8 and all you need is 12.5! so i finally sat in the little chair and apparently i am destined to never give blood again because the stupid red cross lady couldn't find my veins! how lame is that! so i didn't give blood again! lame...


kendle sue said...

that is really sad... but way for trying.... again! lol.... d

Adrian said...

Good job for trying! At least you didn’t give blood, then pass out and throw up and then I would have to come get you! Oh did that for me!

I swear I’m going to try one more time (once I’m not pregnant and stuff)....if something bad happens I won’t give again. Maybe since we’re both O- and they need our blood so badly, we just aren’t meant to give it. Sad!

Kelsey said...

um... i'm not o-. i'm a-. haha

Adrian said...


is kendle o-? I thought one of you was the same as me. I don't know! Bummer for you being a-. You'll have to have an Rh shot when you have babies too. I'll let you know how it is. I have mine at my next appointment. :(

Anonymous said...

ya... that is really sad... maybe you should try again though! maybe the lady just sucked at finding your veins.... it could happen.

and yay for A's!!! haha that rhymed! haha A+ haha