Friday, August 8, 2008

olympic festivities!

man what a fun night! to celebrate the beginning of the olympics, we had a little shindig! we ate chinese food in honor of beijing! haha! then we watched the whole opening! it was so cool! long, boring- but cool! yao ming is gigantic! that is unbelievable! wow... anyway... here is a pic of our decorations! haha what do you think? i thought it was a little weird at first but now it makes me laugh!


Anonymous said...

Ha ha that was a freaking awesome night! It combined two of my favorite things, chinese food and crazy, drumming, dancing chinese people! ha ha And its really just amazing how huge Yao is!

kendle sue said...

lol.... no i didnt see him... haha... i was too busy coloring, :) yeah yeah... i totally stole your idea..., scept mine isnt paper plates! but still it made me laugh! what a fun night for you guys... im way jealous, we didnt get chinese food! but hey high five for posting so fast! :) love you tons! ps one week! yipee!

Anonymous said...

Don't you children remember that we do this every Olympics--eat food from that country on opening night? Well, it would have been a good idea. Wonder who will be around for the next Olympics.

Adrian said...

Wow I didn't know you all were so into this! I loved Kendle's olympic rings, but they are too fancy-smancy. Those are my kind of decorations!!! ;)

I actually watched the opening ceremonies too...believe it or not! All the credit goes to Deryk and Natalie because if they hadn't invited me over, I probably wouldn't have watched. It was way cool!!

Nice try MOM!! We should start that tradition anyway. Sounds fun!