Sunday, July 27, 2008


so it was my turn to make dinner today and i decided on pretty much the most fattening thing you could ever eat... olive garden fettuccine alfredo! it was fantastic! seriously... mom and dad were raving! austin was a little quiet today but even he was pretty vocal about how good it was! so... without further adieu...

olive garden fettuccine alfredo
(courtesy of! check it out! amazing!)
1/2 cup of butter
2 cloves of garlic, minced
2 cups of heavy cream
1/8 tsp of ground black pepper
a pinch of salt
1/2 cup of parmesan cheese
12 ounce box of fettuccine pasta
melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium/low heat.
add the garlic, cream, pepper and salt, and bring mixture to a simmer. turn the heat down if the mixture reaches a rapid boil or it could boil over. you just want a simmer. add the cheese, and continue to simmer sauce for 8 minutes or until thick. [mine turned out a little runny but we were thinking about it and we're pretty sure olive garden's is kinda runny too.]
while sauce cooks, bring 4 to 6 quarts of water to a boil and add the pasta. cook pasta for about 12 minutes or until done, then drain it.
spoon pasta into serving plates with alfredo sauce poured over the top.
so... it's pretty much amazing! it's so good you know there is absolutely no nutritional value! but man oh man... try it!
ps- i don't know why... but it's not showing the way it's supposed to... it won't show you my new paragraphs. sorry!

easy as cake!

so yesterday, i was getting ready to leave... zac and i were going shopping for our poker night... when austin comes into the kitchen saying that he's gonna bake a cake while i'm gone. i asked him if he had ever made one by himself before and he said he hadn't. i told him to be really careful and follow the directions and he said he would. so by the time i got home, he had one tiny bread pan of cake. i asked him where the rest of it was and he said, "in the alley..." apparently he had gotten mixed up and he put a whole cup of oil in instead of 1/3 cup! haha! he didn't want mom and dad to find out so he threw it outside and washed up all the dishes! haha! so to help him out, i made a cake so the house wouldn't smell like cake without an actual cake in the house. meanwhile, austin forgot to throw his tiny cake (in the tiny bread pan) away. so when mom and dad got home, mom found the cake and questioned austin. he had to blow the whole story! haha

ps- it didn't quite look like that... it looked better! haha

Friday, July 25, 2008

my hero!

ok so last night zac and devin came over and we played mario cart (the one for the wii is even more fun!)

we went swimming, and then we decided to get some desert. we were trying to figure out something new to do cause it seems like we're doing the same things over and over, you know? it's still fun... we just wanted something new! so we decided on Oregano's (yes a sit down restaurant at 9:15 at night!).
they have the most heavenly desert! it's called a pizzookie! it's basically a giant chocolate chip cookie, freshly baked and still gooey, with vanilla ice cream on top! it's heaven! so we got one of those and shared it cause it's pretty massive! so our bill was like $5.39 or something like that! it was a great deal! anyway...

then we came back to our house and watched the newest episode of celebrity family feud! gotta love it! so when it was time for them to leave, i walked them to the door and i was closing it behind them when this FREAKING TARANTULA ran into the house!

neither of them would do anything about it and i didn't know where austin was so i was kinda freaking out! i ran into mom and dad's room and they were both asleep. mom jerked awake like she does and then didn't really care to help. dad just mumbled, "get it out." then i was like "HOW?" mom said to brush it out the door with a broom. so i was going to try to be brave and brush it out the door. by the time i got back to the living room with the broom, austin had a tupperware bowl and just trapped it! that means he was way closer to it than i ever would have been! how brave! i was so impressed! when zac and devin were just standing there, austin just walks up and traps it and takes it outside! love him!

anyway... so after austin takes it outside, mom is all of a sudden alert and and awake and she was trying to get austin to bring it back in the house so i could get a picture of it to blog it for you but he wouldn't do it! haha! so a picture from wikipedia will have to suffice!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the funhouse!!

austin and i are having WAY too much fun on this new program that came with the print master! here are just a few! adrian... even you will like these! haha

Sunday, July 20, 2008

the funnest book in the world!

ok kendle, this story is for you! now we have some blond stories of adrian that we can talk about... we don't need to dwell on mine! haha!

so... you know the curiously compelling bathroom reader?

that's the one! ok... so you know the u.s. citizenship tests in it? well dustin brought it out and we decided to do the quiz... the easy one mind you. well mom did pretty good. i got them all right. adrian was acting a little blond... but it was funny! one question was: "what were the 48th and 49th states to join the union?" and adrian said, "union? like the country?" hahaha it was funny! that's pretty much how the whole quiz went! haha!

the other thing... this is from austin! so we got a new print master... our old one wasn't working and it was just time for a new one, you know? this one is really cool! it's pretty much the same thing, just newer and nicer. so austin's favorite part is the "fun house." you can put faces into these funny pictures. this is the one that i did! it was pretty much the best!

adrian was a little offended cause she really thinks she has hairy arms! haha even though she doesn't! haha but how perfect is dustin's face?! i love it!

Friday, July 18, 2008

i never thought i would say this...

i have had a really fun week with mom. it's true! we watched all sorts of movies while i ate pudding and ice cream and took serious pain killers! it's been great! but... it's been quiet. i can't believe it... i miss austin! i miss dad too... i always miss him when he's gone but it has been weird how much i miss austin! he annoys me so much... i'm talking A LOT! but, alas, it would seem that i actually like him! who knew? i mean, he's my brother... i love him. but i don't always like him. you know? haha

Thursday, July 17, 2008

happy, happy birthday!

happy birthday Adrian! i love you!

Monday, July 14, 2008

which disney princess am i?

whoo hoo! i love her!

Dignified and hard working. With a gentle and soft-spoken manner you have something many people don't. Patience. Even through the moments of heartbreak you're still able to hold onto all of your hopes and dreams. Bide your time; your dream will come true.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

wish me luck!

so... it's tomorrow! i know i'm making a bigger deal out of this than i need to but i'm kinda freaking out! i want to keep my wisdom teeth! oh well! there's nothing i can do about it now!

so yesterday adrian and i drove to phoenix. adrian wanted to see her friends new house and then go lunch with amy. i just wanted to go to ashley's house! anyway... we got ready to leave the new house... we were totally leaving on time... and the car wouldn't start... at all! so we were stuck there... adrian was kinda freaking out... (i would too if my car wouldn't start when i was 2 1/2 hours from home! don't feel bad adrian!) they tried jumping the car several times and it wasn't working. anyway... to make a long story short, we got a new battery and it worked again! whoo hoo! meanwhile, ashley picked me up from checker auto parts and we went shopping and just hung out.

adrian and i made it back home in one piece and i was only 30 minutes late for zac's birthday party (yes he turned 18!)! so that was fun too! exciting, fun, long, and stressful day!

Friday, July 11, 2008

wisdom brings pain...

so this morning was my consultation. i was looking at the x-ray yesterday and thought it didn't look that bad... (i picked it up from dr. alston's office so we wouldn't have to pay for it again)... but it turns out it's gonna be pretty bad. dr. casagrande (weird name) has to cut through my gums, then cut out the bone that's covering the wisdom teeth, then rip out the teeth, then sew me back up... GROSS! she said to expect swelling but she also said she would give me vicodin! happy day! and she said to wear comfortable clothes so i have an excuse to wear my gray jammie pants for days! whoo hoo!

ps- that picture really is my teeth! aren't they nice? haha! and mom thought it would be hilarious of the x-ray in the office so... there it is! oh... and the surgery is monday morning at 10 am.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

ok kendle...

alright, alright... i'll put a picture on. here is my curly hair. what do you guys think?

oh no!

well this sucks. i know this has been coming... i knew it was going to be this summer... but i don't want it to happen. tomorrow morning at 9:45 i have to go the oral surgeon for my consultation. i already have my "surgery" tentatively scheduled for monday morning some time... i don't remember when exactly. what if i want to keep my wisdom teeth? i have never had any teeth pulled (by a dentist or oral surgeon haha). i have never had a cavity so i have never had a shot in my mouth. i am kinda worried... am i gonna swell up and look like a chipmunk forever and a half? gross!

Monday, July 7, 2008

New Hair Cut!

ok so i don't want to chop my hair but i am kinda sick of it and i needed a haircut anyway. so here it is. adrian and kendle- what do you guys think? it's pretty much the same length but there are a lot more layers. i'm not sure if i like it very much. and it doesn't curl as cute as it used to.

i do like the ponytail though. it's cute!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Holy Big Camel!

the 4th of july parade in eager is so hilarious! who would even think to put camels in a parade in northern arizona?!

the parade was seriously really funny this year! my next favorite thing was...

this bull ran out into the crowd of all these little kids! it was so freaking funny!

and last, but certainly not least...

are there any words that can describe this float except for... AMAZING! if i had a ranch, i would name it something awesome like that! haha!

ok... back to the beginning. the cabin was fun... sometimes dramatic... but still fun. dad, mom, austin and i drove up early wednesday morning. (we made it in exactly 5 hours!) wednesday we just hung out... nothing incredibly exciting. thursday morning some of us woke up early and went fishing. i caught a couple fish but grandma caught like 20!

later that day we went . the highlight of the trip! we had some gallons of water to shoot at and i wanted to shoot one before all the boys did... i don't remember what gun i had at that point but it didn't have a scope... just open sights. well we put the gallons of water up on the hill about a hundred yards away. all the guys were talking about how even they probably couldn't hit one of the gallons. well... i took it slow... didn't rush... and what do you know... BANG!! i got it! some of the other guys got the other two but they had scopes... i did not! woot woot! dad called it the shot of the week! i was so happy!

meantime, i was burning to a crisp! i was wearing a t-shirt so from like the middle of my upper arm all the way down to my fingertips i am so incredibly burned! it's been a few days so it's alot better but holy crap it hurt! i even got burned in my elbow pit! it hurts so bad! anyway... the rest of the time was fun. fishing, , quading, making s'mores, spotlighting in the rain... good times!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

i know, i know... i'm only 17!

so... i feel kinda funny doing this... but my dearly beloved sister kendle moved WAY too far away! how else am i supposed to tell her all my stupid, random stories? and, of course, i did it for my other favorite sister adrian! it cracked me up to comment on her blog so i decided it would be even funnier to have my own that she can comment on too! haha! so without further adieu...

warning- this is gonna be really random and probably won't even make sense to anyone but my sisters! haha