Sunday, February 27, 2011


So, I had to do another at-home microbiology experiment, and this is seriously grossing me out! The experiment is called "Wash Your Hands!" Basically, I split the agar nutrient dish in two, labeling one side "before" and one "after". I pressed four unwashed fingers into the before side, then washed my hands like I normally do and pressed those four fingers into the "after" side. Here's a picture.
There is freaking MOLD growing on the after side!! How? How? How? SICK!

I also realized I forgot to blog the end product of my last one. So again, here is day two.

And here is day six. Don't judge. I'm sure all of your houses have these lovely little microbes as well. (For your information, we are much better about washing our little scrubby head more often.) This one happened to be staphylococci. It can be pretty dangerous but it also lives on our skin most of the time. You would think that after this class I would be more of a germaphobe, but I'm still good.

Anyway, happy Sunday!

Monday, February 21, 2011


BYU tries really hard to get people married. Nursing is all girls, accounting is all guys. Friday night we a match-making event for only nurses and accountants, but who can pass up free ice skating? So I went ice skating for the first time ever. Everyone was so shocked, but then I reminded them I grew up in Arizona. Anyway, I looked pretty retarded I'm sure, and I only fell once. It was quite the graceful fall... it totally happened in slow motion and Laura came down on top of me. At least it didn't hurt. Anyway, we all forgot cameras so we got one picture on a phone. So here I am, clinging to the wall. You can't really tell that I'm clinging but I really was. Also, I was holding Kate's hand in a "death grip" (or so she claims) but we thought it was a good idea to not hold hands for the picture. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I want to go home

Yesterday, Adrian told me she felt my pain because she went out walking in the morning when the temperature was in the 30s. Tell me, do you feel my pain now? Tonight and tomorrow are going to have the lowest temperatures on record in the last three years. When I am supposed to leave for work tomorrow morning it is supposed to be 2* but feel like -14*. Ironically I just learned all about how if you go outside with temperatures lower than 10*, ice crystals will form in your cells and kill them. I want to go home.