Wednesday, September 22, 2010

things i learned last night...

1. cadavers are scary.
2. it freaks me out when i can see their eyelashes. 
3. they stink.
4. there is so much more going on in the body than i ever imagined.
5. cadavers are fascinating.

Friday, September 17, 2010

the devil's shoes

anybody remember this post from kendle's blog? well, apparently it happens to everyone eventually. somehow i ended up with kendle's really cute keds in my shoe bin. i decided last thursday that i might as well wear them if i have them. WORST DECISION I EVER MADE.

i started walking to school and when i was approximately 10 feet from my apartment, i knew it was going to be a bad day. i went from class to work and as i was walking back to class, i called kendle. the conversation went something like this...

kels: "hey, i accidentally ended up with a pair of your shoes."
ken: "dang. which ones?"
kels: "your tan keds."
ken: "oh. you can keep those. they hurt my feet."
kels: "oh really? cause i think my feet are bleeding." (they were)

that was over a week ago and i still limp in certain shoes. *sigh* a little pain for beauty's sake, eh?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

i am alive and well

believe it or not, i am alive up here at BYU. it's amazing how quickly time flies when you're working part-time and going to school full-time. and it doesn't help that i haven't had a computer to be able to blog about my experiences. anyway, i have some stories to share, but i also have about 30,000 pages of each textbook to read so for tonight i will just share the funniest video on youtube right now. enjoy.