Thursday, August 26, 2010

return to provo

mom and i drove up to utah on tuesday. jason and laurel very graciously let us crash in their basement after and incredibly long day of driving. (thanks a ton!) wednesday i moved into my apartment, got all my paperwork done for my job, did a bit a shopping (i.e. bought mockingjay. awesome.) then went to paula's house to stay for a few nights (thank you paula!) today we did more shopping, moved more stuff in, bought my books, etc. along with our many adventures, today was my first time parallel parking EVER. (please don't make fun. i was very proud.) i kept getting excited and said i parallel parked and mom would say "no, you just pulled up to the curb." well this time was for real. there are cars in the front and cars in the back. i'm impressed with myself even if i am much farther from the curb than most people. :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

a day of jobs

yesterday started out as any other- dad at work, kendle at work, austin at school, mom and i tanning in the pool. but there was so much more about yesterday that made it such a great day. first, dad started his new job yesterday! yay! he said he had a great day and thought every one was really nice. he's really excited to start working hard for this new bank. thanks dad for all you do for our family :)

second, kendle had an interview for a new job yesterday. [i'll let her tell y'all about it, but let's just say it went "okay" ;)]

and last, i went straight from the pool to pick up austin from school. we headed off to the storage unit to pick up stuff i'll be needing for school. well as we walk in the door, mom is on the phone talking to our great friend paula. turns out, she needs a new secretary-type-person starting asap for the rmyl department [if that sounds familiar, it's because this is the exact same job kendle had when she was at byu]. anyway, i'm super excited for this! thanks a ton paula :)

quite the eventful day, wouldn't you say?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

to my sisters

you two are my best friends! i love you both. happy birthdays :)