Thursday, June 24, 2010

overwhelming craftiness

unlike kendle, i'm not used to having craftiness racing through my blood every day. mine comes in spurts (if it comes at all). this summer has been one of those spurts. mom, kendle and i started baby quilts very soon after i got home. it took a while, because my crafty tendencies come and go, but it's finally done! (mine is the only one done, i might add.)

also we've been having fun making hair bows/flowers. and they are awfully cute, huh? :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010


i have come to the conclusion that my first experience with sunburns so painful that you literally cannot sleep/walk/move at all was buried so far into my mind that i could never remember it. and yet the pain has resurfaced. i may have been tanning yesterday and i may have forgotten to put sunscreen on my legs. at first, there was lots of laughter at the expense of my poor legs but i think when people realized how much freaking pain i was in, it wasn't quite so funny.

pictures are not coming. i'll spare you all the nightmares. 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

a long absence

I haven't blogged in many moons and I figured it was just about time. We took a much-needed (for my parents) vacation. My life right now is pretty much a vacation. No exaggerations. Anyway, we took off Thursday of Memorial Day weekend for the cabin. It started out as a great trip. And then it struck. This nasty, death-inducing flu bug hit Nicole first, then Adrian, then some cousins, then Kendle and me, then more cousins and Dad to wrap it all up. I'm not even sure what it was but I sure I was dying by the end. We did get one picture of the vacation though…
Then this week Kendle and I volunteered at Cub Scout Camp doing the crafts with 300 eight to ten-year-old boys. I'll just say it was exhausting but tons of fun. (Pictures to come.) And today we chilled in the pool all day long. It was great and quite well documented, but I think Kendle has already laid claim to blogging most of those pictures, so I will give you one sneak peak.

(I promise, we do get in the pool. We don't just sit in the lagoon under the sunbrella all day...)