Monday, April 19, 2010

winding down

as my freshman year of college comes to an end, i would like to reflect on some of the things i'm going to miss most about byu.

*my friends. thank goodness for skype.
*walking around on sundays and hearing people sing (it's grown on me, ok?)
*dr. wood. he's tight.
*all the funny things you can only find at byu. i.e. byu cops, police beat, playing the "20 bucks says he's married" game, and this...

yes, as we were walking home from humor u one night, we stumbled upon this little beauty. it says, "yellow nano iPod left here. go to the wilk info desk to retrieve. Belongs to 'nat'." only at BYU, huh?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

hip hip hooray

i think i have been awake for too long and i have been studying organic and bio chem too much. otherwise this video wouldn't be so funny... i'm a little embarrassed.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

oh my...

a bunch of girls from my hall and i are renting a storage unit all together for the summer. when i called today to reserve the unit, i was also looking at their website and this is what i found.

i admit, their facilities are very nice (although whenever i see one i still think of the CSI where the doctor performed certain surgeries in a storage unit. anyone remember that epsiode? bleh.) but unless i have forgotten home entirely, i don't think this bathroom is "just like home". i mean, i have been away from home for almost 4 months now but i'm hoping it won't be like that. and what the heck is "women friendly"?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

happy birthday to my favorite brother!!!

my favorite brother turns 16 today!!! i wish i could be there with you, bud, but i come next week!!! have a great day!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

did it pay off?

a couple weekends ago i had the lamest friday night of my life. i stayed home and studied for my o-chem test the next day. i drew and redrew glycolysis and the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain so many times my brain hurt. i studied my life away. but did it pay off, you ask. you better believe it! i got a 97% on the test. gosh, i'm good :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

happy easter!

i'm having a great weekend here with kendle and nicole and zac and i'll definitely blog about it all later, but for today i'm just wishing you all a happy easter and playing my favorite mormon message from my favorite apostle :)