Sunday, January 31, 2010

i've done some good in the world

before they met me, the girls in my hall didn't know humor, love, wit, or charm. i have changed their lives, and i'm not saying this to brag. this weekend, i introduced to them...

probably one of the best movies ever made. [and we may or may have not walked around campus this weekend singing "walk like a man"... just putting in out there :)] if you haven't seen it, watch it. it will change your life. no joke.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

it's been a while

today is a great day. not like yesterday, that was a really great day. so yesterday morning, i got up at 7(ish) and got ready for class. i even had time to make myself a bagel with cream cheese, making the morning better than usual. laura, tiffany and i left the dorm to make it to our 8am class in the Marb (pretty much the farthest building on campus from us). so we're walking and we're hearing noise, way too much noise for 7:45am. suddenly, we turn the corner to walk through the tunnel and up the hill and there is a crowd of people cheering us on to our 8am class. they had the rocky music playing and everything. so, naturally, i run down the line, giving everyone high-fives. once we're past the crowd (with the music still blaring) we start running up the hill like rocky. it was beautiful. i wish this happened every day.


this morning did not start out so well. i woke up late, but still took time to shower because that way i could come back and nap after my 8am class, before my 11am class. i didn't have time to make myself anything for breakfast, and when we walked outside, there was no crowd to make me feel better about how early it was and it was definitely snowing- making it a not-so-great morning.

but, the heavens smiled on me and gave me something today to cheer me up.... the police beat. enjoy :)

jan. 11: four males were caught throwing water out of budge hall onto the people below. after being caught, they apologized and no charges were made.

jan. 12: the driver of a white pick-up truck reportedly whipped into a handicap stall, parked and ran to class. officers confirmed that the running person indeed had a handicap permit.

jan. 13: a male student, 26, was caught stealing a $1.80 drink from the twilight zone [it's the little store in the Wilk where you can buy food and what-not]. when questioned, he said he was in a hurry and forgot to pay. he was arrested, cited then let go with a 72-hour suspension from school.

Monday, January 18, 2010

*numero uno*

happy 1st birthday, my hayley bug! i love you! you're my favorite niece ;)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

funny, eh?

there are certain things i missed about being at school. don't get me wrong, home was great. i would rather be there right now. [it's supposed to snow on monday and tuesday, and it was supposed to snow today, but thank the heavens they were wrong.] but let me show you what jewels you can find on the byu campus. they just make life happy. :)

yes. it is exactly what you are thinking it is... a side-splitting card game of strategy and fun. but just wait! it gets better! the best part of the whole game is the synopsis on the back...

"Welcome to the Happy Valley 314th Ward! Does this sound familiar? We have six nursery classes, two independently running Primaries, and two elders quorums. We're packed like sardines into our ward building and it's time to Split the Ward! In the fun, action-packed game, you and your friends and family have been called to help rearrange a cast of zany characters into new leadership positions as quickly as possible. The first person to organize three completed presidencies wins! The action cards and wild cards will keep things interesting, and you'll be surprised at how many of the "peculiar people" in our ward family remind you of someone in your own ward! Find out how much fun it is to Split the Ward!"
