Saturday, October 25, 2008


so today i took the ACT. the first 3 sections were really good! science was not so good. it kicked my butt! i find out my scores in 3 to 8 weeks... i'll let you know! (if it is really bad though i won't publish it on here though! haha!)
ps- i took it at sahuaro this time! it was way nicer than driving all the way down to tucson high!

i want to suck your blood...

for the last couple of weeks we have been getting ready for our school blood drive. this year 16 and 17 year olds can donate with parent permission so it was kinda stressful! we even ran out of parent permission forms so we had to have our red cross rep bring us more on the day before the blood drive!

so it was last tuesday (the 21st) and it went really well! we passed our goal (of 60!!). we got 62 units of good blood! whoo hoo! i tried so hard to give blood this time! i had been eating iron-rich foods and drinking alot of water so when i went back to the history, i was really nervous. i seriously was so excited when i passed the iron test! i had 12.8 and all you need is 12.5! so i finally sat in the little chair and apparently i am destined to never give blood again because the stupid red cross lady couldn't find my veins! how lame is that! so i didn't give blood again! lame...

my birthday!

i'm sorry that it has been so long and that i haven't put more birthday pictures up! but here they are!

the gaslight was amazing! as always!

me and craig!

grandpa paid the quarter for austin to ride in the rocket!

it kinda hurt his neck! haha

ok this video just makes me laugh so i put it on! what a dork! haha

i got the coolest phone in the world! the dare!!!! seriously... amazing!! as you can tell... austin was very enthused... apparently he got so bored that he started skimming the pool... weird.

texas roadhouse was very fun too! sorry the first picture is so dark. we finally turned the flash on! haha

then we went home and i opened presents!

then the next day after family dinner, we had the pie!

apparently while we were at the gaslight on friday night, some of my friends decorated my car! it was so funny! there were even balloons inside! when the car would heat up, the balloons would start to smell and it gave me a massive headache! haha

it was a very fun birthday!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

scattegories! (yes... again!)

when i did scattegories, i tagged aunt karla. she tagged mom, even though she doesn't have a blog haha! so i'm doing it for her! these are all her answers! just picture this is mom talking to you!

your name: tanya

4 letter word: taco

pro sports team: trailblazers

celebrity/band: the turtles (2 points?)

vehicle: taurus (ford)

tv show: the office... does that count?

city: tacoma

boy's name: todd

girl's name: theresa

occupation: taxi driver

something you wear: tuxedo

something you throw away: turds... wo! that's a bad word in this house!

food: tamales

something you find in the bathroom: toilet paper

reason for being late: throwing up

something you shout: take me! i'm yours! (only to mark! haha)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

what the deer?!?!

ok kendle, this one is mainly for you! do you remember that one time when we were dropping little zac off at his house and there was a deer in the road? well i was picking austin up just like 10 minutes ago and there was a gigantic deer in the middle of the road!! what is with that area? it wasn't the same place... it was on soldier trail... but still! so weird!!

ps- sorry there's no picture! he ran off too quickly!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


it was so much fun! much colder than i even expected! wow... how do people live there when it is even colder than that! i don't think i ever could! anyway... we left thursday after school and drove to page, az. we were up and out by like 8 (be impressed!). oh and, the breakfast was nothing to brag about... don't you hate when hotel breakfasts are less than mediocre? cause i do! anyway... we drove and drove and drove some more til we finally made it to kendle's work... the richard's building... aka the "rb" not "arby's"... haha that was funny! so we got to see where kendle works with paula. it was pretty fun! but then we had to go on a tour of the campus. that was... fun... mom is making me post this picture of the tour. she thinks it's hilarious.

by the way... i was not the only one on the tour. mom just took the picture after everyone else got off! hey kendle... it's my hottie premie! haha! (oh and zac totally figured that out!) he's really not a premie... why would a freshman give a tour of the campus? i don't think you thought that one all the way through kendle! haha! so it was mom, dad, austin, me and devin on the tour and it really wasn't that bad!

so then we went to dinner with every single person from bear canyon ward that lives in utah! some may have invited themselves... but it was fun! haha! so it was delicious!

then we went back to kendle's and played mario party. i was winning the whole time, then kendle comes out of nowhere! lame! so saturday morning was fun... except that it was freezing and raining! but conference was cool! walking around was not so much! haha! but we got some fun pictures!

so we ate at the lion house pantry and it was really fun! but, like kendle said, the car ride back to provo was... awkward. i hate it when austin breathes on me and he was doing it the whole way! gross!

so sunday was pretty funny! all the other people showed up wearing church clothes! we felt like such bad people! so we were banished to the basement! haha! and seriously what else are you going to do when it's completely dark, warm, and you just ate? fall asleep! who wouldn't? haha! mom and dad went to visit some friends and they took a couple of pictures too!

mom and dad!

mom and paula!

then we went to dinner at jason and laurel's. we (sort of) watched the last session and then ate. but isabel is so dang cute she was distracting! who would have thought a 20 month old would know how to use a flash drive? haha

austin is so cute with kids! it was adorable!

and isabel finally started to like mom! that was funny!

so it was finally time to leave... :( but first we took a couple pictures! naturally!

kendle, erik, me and austin!

jason and laurel!

so then we finally got going and like 3 minutes later we were completely stopped on the freeway! they made everyone get off on the a frontage road and through a little town for a while. and the worst part was that we weren't anywhere close enough to see what happened! sad! so we finally got going again and made it to kanab, ut. the hotel we stayed in was so funny! we just had to take pictures for you all!

and there was so much more! the whole town is like this! it was so funny! (do you... adrian and kendle... remember the missionary we had from kanab! apparently there are others like him! haha!) so then we drove and drove and drove again! we stopped at glen canyon dam. ok... this place is peculiar. why do so many asian and german people vacation at glen canyon dam?!?! weird!

cute , huh?

we were all pretty tired of driving at that point! ha

and we got home and unpacked just in time for chuck and dancing with the stars! it was a really fun weekend!

ps- sorry it's so long! it took me a while to write it all! haha